[APP] Netatmo - Same home, just smarter. (by Athom)

Im trying to figure out, how to identify if a valve is on or off. I need it eg for opening windows, but dont want to open windows if the heat is on, for long.

Looks like this Valve is never On or Off, it is like most thermostats self regulating the temperature based on a Set Temperature, and only reports measured Temperature.

I would advise to set the Set_Temperature to fe 5 grC when the window is opened for fe longer than 60 seconds. and return to normal operation after closing the window.


Thanks, that could be a work around! Or I can just check to see if temperature is higher or lower than the target temperature.

I just think its strange, that I cant see if the valve is open or not. In the Netatmo App - Energy for iOS, you can see if each valve is letting hot water through or not. It was this property i wanted. And it most be available as the iOS can show it.


Can anyone explain why my app tells me itā€™s 19.6 degree celcius in my kids room. The Homey device tab shows a app from Netatmo with 19.6 degree celcius on. But when I run my flow. The value for temperture in the Netatmo app shows 23!!!

[Tip] Problems with Homey?

I have no idea as for me it is functioning normal
Homey Pro (Early 2023) v 1.0.9-rc1
NetAtmo App v5.4.3

NetAtmo Smart Home Weather Station - + 3 Additional Indoor Module


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:grinning: :grinning:

Having problems with the Outdoor Module in Homey. Homey says that the device is unavailable, however it is online, and shows up everywhere else. If i remove the device from homey, and try to add again, then it shows up during the adding, but once itā€™s added it just says device unavailable. All other modules are working fine in homey

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I have exactly the same Problem with the same module. If I restart the app it shows the correct data eg temperature for a moment and then breaks again.

Hi, anyone who knows / has Home coachā€¦ the app page seems to say that there is just one flow card - when for ā€the health index changedā€ . Is that the case? No cards for the actual measurements such as temperature, co2, noise like the weather station has?

Donā€™t ask me why, but that is the case. I see it too in the app.
I have got the weather station. And got all the cards. I cannot test it for Home Coach.

Hello, volunteers have been sought for a new app development, see the link for more info if you have home control hardware