[APP] Homey ESPresense room presense system

Hi there little update from my site.

I’ve been very ocupied with https://hdashboards.app
However picked-up a bit of development of this plugin today.
I’m working on a new drive that includes your device so you can get the room back!


@Menno_van_Hout if you need someone to help you test, feel free to let me know

Thanks a lot, I’m just not having any time yet to work on this app.

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I’ve just installed ESPresence app for the homey pro. Thanks for creating the app.

I’ve got a couple of questions

  1. I’m not seeing the device name in the widget eg. Here . It just shows me the distance to the device.

Someone posted earlier in this thread that this is what they saw on the app. Has this been fixed ?

  1. Do you have any suggestions for debugging / testing flows? I know the MQTT is getting the ESPresence data but I’m not sure if the ESPresence app mapping is working . Or it could be that my flow is not buggy.
    I’m going to create a basic flow to change the colour of a light to see to confirm that ESP is working.

Do you have any other suggestions ?



I have successfully tested ESP App working using a light.

I found out that I needed to use “known:” in my ID for the saved devices that I have created on the ESP device…

Any news about having the names of tracked items in the homey widget?

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I have got some tailbaits ( ATOM TailBat - Battery Accessory for ATOM | m5stack-store ) which are battery packs for the atom lite. They take about 2 hours to charge . (I found nothing anywhere that says how long they take to charge)

This means that I can use atom lite plus tailbait at our mailbox and you use them to signal the homey that my kids have left the house. :slight_smile:

With a 190mAh capacity, how long can you make them last?