Yes, thats right. I use it only to see if people are home or not, but the following information is available through the app:
{ features:
{ device: ‘1’,
smartphone: ‘1’,
nonSmartphoneLocating: ‘0’,
geofencing: ‘1’,
shareLocation: ‘1’,
shareOffTimestamp: null,
disconnected: ‘0’,
pendingInvite: ‘0’,
mapDisplay: ‘1’ },
{ disconnected: ‘0’,
type: null,
status: null,
title: null,
dialog: null,
action: null,
troubleshooting: ‘0’ },
{ latitude: ‘xx.xxxxxx’,
longitude: ‘y.yyyyyy’,
accuracy: ‘65’,
startTimestamp: 1560695458,
endTimestamp: ‘1560716022’,
since: 1560695458,
timestamp: ‘1560716022’,
name: ‘Home’,
placeType: null,
source: ‘l’,
sourceId: ‘aaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee’,
address1: ‘Home’,
address2: ‘’,
shortAddress: ‘’,
inTransit: ‘0’,
tripId: null,
driveSDKStatus: null,
battery: ‘26’,
charge: ‘0’,
wifiState: ‘1’,
speed: -1,
isDriving: ‘0’,
userActivity: null },
[ { channel: ‘Voice’, value: ‘+31612345678’, type: ‘Home’ },
{ channel: ‘Email’, value: ‘’, type: null } ],
medical: null,
relation: null,
createdAt: ‘1504729305’,
activity: null,
id: ‘aaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee’,
firstName: ‘Voornaam’,
lastName: ‘Achternaam’,
loginEmail: ‘’,
loginPhone: ‘+31612345678’,
isAdmin: ‘0’,
pinNumber: null }
So what you need is available. The since is the number of seconds since Unix Epoch.
My skills are (or should I say time is) very limited, so I didn’t bother trying to figure out how to write drivers and flow triggers, I just let the app start a flow (have have a separate flow for every family member) that sets the presence of a circle member. This is sufficient for me for now. But I would love to see someone work this out and create a full-fledged Homey app with alle bells and whistles included though