I just setup the app on my HP23 and I have a Galaxy tab A tablet running Fully Kiosk. When I go to the device in Homey, I can refresh the photo from the camera, but when I close and open again it’s the old photo that’s shown and not the most resent one.
Seems the refreshed image is never saved. What could be wrong?
As Elmar suggested, I think TextToSpeech is a great idea. Athom Homey 2023 doesn’t support TextToSpeech and Custom sounds. A dashboard can fill this gab. When using multiple tablets as dashboards, it creates the possibility to send speech to specific tablets. Brainstorming use-cases, I image a wakeup voice in the bedroom, notifying home-work traveltime in the living etc.
For every usefull app I installed on Homey, I’m doing a donation. Where can I find yours?