[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I’ve tried again waiting 1 minute as you suggested.

Thank you!

Sorry, my memory is getting worse, could you explain again what issue we are looking at?

For sure, I’m trying to pair the thermostat of Somfy with the honey, but is not working :slight_smile:

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I always assumed that local access was active ever since I enabled it in my Somfy account. (but I found out that isn’t the case)

Apparently the app does see/find the local API and gains an access token, etc.

I even saw some logging that stated “local: true” … but even if, after some time when I look at the logging I’ll only see entries containing “local: false”.

In my home I use Ubiquity networking devices + a Connexoon box that controls IO shutters … does anyone else had issues with this? Perhaps certain settings that need tweaking?

Although mDNS is allowed to cross network boundaries: I’ve added my Connexoon box to the same network as my Homey.

Only things in various network settings that catches my attention is “IGMP snooping”, which is set to true for my network.

Not all devices have local support. For example, my One Alarm doesn’t show up in the local device list, so the app has to control that via the cloud connection. Also, I found the radiator valves reported locally but can only be controlled via the cloud. Maybe you have one of those or similar device. If you open the app settings screen and get the device list, you can see the 2 lists. One is the devices that are available locally and the other is the remote devices. The app will first check the local list to see if the device is available and only try the cloud if it’s not found.
Also when polling for events it will check locally every 3 seconds and checks the cloud every 30 seconds. That’s to ensure it doesn’t miss cloud only devices.

First of all, that was a very swift and useful response!
I’ve retrieved the log file on the “Device log” tab and the resulting json has indeed a “cloud” entry as well as a “local” entry.
The “cloud” entry has a whole lot of json in it (amongst others my IO shutters in it). The “local” entry merely contains a local IP-adress and that’s it.

So all in all, I guess that confirms your suspicion that my IO shutters can only be controlled via the Somfy cloud.
Again, thanks for the helpful response and keep up the good work!

Hmm, I’m surprised the IO devices are only in the cloud.
If you look in the Local Tokens tab, can you see a local a Token?
Also, in the information log, straight after start up, you should see the discovery indicated by the entry “mDNS Found a local bridge”

Yes, that’s the ‘weird’ part - I do have a local token.

I restarted the app: and now (once again) I see the “local: true”.
And yes, at the very beginning of the log I see:

  • “mDNS: Got mDNS result”
  • “mDNS Found a local bridge”
  • “Doing local login”

And yes, a local token after restart is yet again available in the corresponding tab.
Retrieving the device log is interesting too: cause now the “local” entry does contain the IO shutters. :confused:

I have seen this before (to appear to be sucessfull) … but after some time, for some reason, the ‘connection breaks’ so to say and the log will only state “local: false”.

Strange, I will look through the code to remind myself what can stop the local working.

I just had a look and the local devices are gone again :sweat_smile:

I have “External Venetian Blinds (io)” and for last few days I’m experiencing an issue with UI submenu to switch between “Position” and “Window coverings tilt set”. I’m not able to switch to tilt slider from submenu. When I click on the item, it does nothing and keeps me on “Position”.

This behavior happens on Android app only. I checked with Web UI and there it is ok. BUT, I checked different device (Tuya electrical multi-socket device) and there I’m able to switch between each socket clicking on the item in submenu.

I’ve noticed the bug since Homey update v10.3.2. I’m on 8.0.2 Android app (Android 14). I’m not sure if this is an issue inside Tahoma app, or I should report it to Homey devs, but because with the electrical socket it works I write here first.

Thank you

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The app has no control over the UI, so that’s one to report to Athom.
If I can find a way to reproduce it,I will also report it.

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That is very strange. The app has been running on my Homey for nearly a month since the Homey update and still quite happily working with the local connection, even though my router has been rebooted several times causing it to have temporary failures due to being unreachable. I can’t see any reason why the app would stop using the local connection.
Do you see any other errors in the Information log?

Hi @Adrian_Rockall , thanks a lot for your app! I have a question that has already been asked…
I own in my bathroom a Heater/Towel Dryer that is Io connected to a Box called Cozy Touch. It’s not recognized by Tahoma app but only by Atlantic Cozy Touch App. They should have an API as Tahoma Somfy has (I own a domotic Box called Energeasy Connect 3 by Rexel that can connect to this dryer).
Do you think you could take a look at this app or API to creat an App that can integrate the Atantic Serenis Dryer? Thanks a lot

I’ll restart the app and (try to) keep a close eye on it.
Hopefully I can find something in the log :crossed_fingers:t2:

I now have a log that contains both a working local situation and a broken one.

Should I send the log? (using the corresponding button)

Yes please.

I’ve found this on Github for Domoticz:

I’ve submitted my log.
ID: -1181802784

@Adrian_Rockall : Hey Adrian, thanks for your great app. Ive added all my Raffsores (23) to homey very well. Now ive tried to connect to the “Somfy Access IO Controller”, but every thing ive tried (Garage Door) doesnt work. I`ll send you the log ID: -1754995614.

Thanks for your help.

I`ve tried via android and via web. And i have the same Problems with the tilt set.