[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I can see that there are 2 devices called “Garagentor”. One is not supported but I don’t know what that is supposed to do as I don’t recognise any of the commands.
The other can be found under the “Open / Close Remote” device.

I have tried this one, but it doesn’t show me anything in my devices. No Gargedoor oder the remote. In the tahoma App it works very well, but If i connect it to Homey, there will be nö new one devices.

Now it works, i restart the tahoma and the Homey… Awesome. Thanks you so much for your support

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For some reason the request for a new local token is failing with the error:

    "time": "2024-03-22T13:17:23.905Z",
    "elapsed": 0.916,
    "source": "Tahoma Cloud Login for local connection",
    "data": "Error: unable to get local issuer certificate"

What I can’t see is any retry attempt, so I will look into that as it would seem a single failure would cause a permanent block on local access. However, I have no idea why the error should occur or if repeated attempts would work.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall

I recently installed 4 x Velux IO interior blinds, set them up with a new Somfy Tahoma switch, connected them to Homey via your app and automated them to my heart’s content all within the space of an hour. Everything worked seamlessly from the outset.

The problem I have is that I would like to buy you a beer for your efforts but I can’t find any link to do so or even to send thanks. Please advise!

In the meantime, please know that your work on this amazing app is highly appreciated. Donation incoming as soon as you send details!


That’s very kind, thank you. I have a PayPal account under AdyRock.

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Well, if I can test anything or look some some stuff up, just let me know.
I aleady appreciate that you took the time to look a bit into it, thanks :pray:

I have published a new test version which will hopefully retry failed local login attempts, so it should now refresh an expired token if there is a temporary failure.

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Alright, I installed the test version. I’ll keep you updated.

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Adrian I’ve sent you a log. ID: -1181802784
Not sure if it’s helpful enough (cause seemingly it went south before I expected it)…

The local login isn’t amused apparently: “Far Too many local login attempts”.

I did wonder if that would happen. It seems the issue with getting a local token is not just a small glitch, but at least it is retrying now.
Can you check if there are any updates available for the Tahoma box?
I presume the cloud connection is still working?

* blows dust from Tahoma android app *
Yip, there was indeed an update available :see_no_evil: (and ofcourse I applied the update).
And yes, the cloud connection is still working.

I’ve reverted back stable (for now). Tomorrow when the local API will allow connections again, I’ll update to test once more and see how that goes (with an updated box in the mix).

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I have published another update that will hopefully fix the problem. I managed to recreate the problem by deleting all my local tokens while the app was running, although for me it always repaired itself when I restarted the app. Can you give it a try to see if it works for you?


Hi, I have the same issue.

Yesterday Somfy very kindly gave me the opportunity to test whether control of my Velux IO interior blinds was working locally, when their cloud services went down for a bit. It turns out that it was not working I had set up dev mode on the Somfy account and was seeing a local token in the Homey app log similar to @Raeven ’s description. I found this discussion and updated to the latest test version of the app. By then the Somfy cloud was up again but I simulated a failure by unplugging the fibre from my broadband router. It worked! I could still control the blinds locally with no internet connection with the new test app.

I didn’t have time to do more detailed testing but thought I’d share that something in the test app seemed to help.


I have reported this to Athom.

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So, thursday afternoon I updated to the test version once more… and I’ve had no issues with this version, whatsoever.
And yes, that also means that I’m still “running local” ever since. So yes, it’s definitely improved!!

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Thanks again for looking into the whole “running local” situation (and ofc. even managing to fix it) :muscle:

I ‘wired’ a small thankyou to your PayPal account. Go buy yourself a beverage of your choice.

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I tried and read a lot but I still dont understand how I can connect the somfy connectivity kit with my Homey Pro 2023. I have three Rolläden (io) / Roller shutters (io) but unfortunately I don’t know how to connect them to HP’23. Can someone help me with a step by step Instructions? I use the new TaHoma app bevause the old TaHoma Classic does not work with the connectivity kit

Which Homey app is supporting this Somfy connectivity kit?