[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

New test version is in the store now with support for the gate opener.


Thanks @Adrian_Rockall : i confirm i was able to add the gate with the test version.
And main controls are working (open/close/pedestrian)

Thanks !

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I’m sorry if this has been explained before in the thread. I tried searching, but with almost 2000 posts it’s a bit hard to read all of them when the search didn’t yield any results.

We recently got some zip screens installed, and a Somfy Tahoma hub alongside it. I managed to connect the Tahoma hub and the blinds to my Homey Pro, but after reading up a bit I wonder if I could potentially ditch the Tahoma and just connect them directly to the Homey. The order description for the screens list “Somfy IO Protect”, and my understanding is that only RTS will work without the Tahoma, but then the remotes we got are listed as “Somfy Situo 5 RTS Pure II”. Any idea if I can connect these to the Homey directly?

I also get super annoyed by the Home app showing the blinds as highlighted when they’re up, and grayed out when they’re down. It feels like the wrong way around. And then I found the options to Invert Tile Action (as well as Invert Position and Invert Up / Down), but none of the options seem to actually do anything. What am I doing wrong here?

If you’re screens are RTS then you can use the RTS app by Athom and pair them with Homey as if it’s a remote control.
Note, RTS has no position feedback as it’s a one way communication protocol.

When you added the screens, what device did you choose?

The inverter tile option should do what you want, so once I know what device you have chosen I can check it to see why it’s not working.


First many thanks for this apps. !
I use or every day and it s working fine

I have a question in flow option :

IS there a way to know the state of alarm io ?
A flow like if alarm io IS on ?


I’d need the state anyway, so I guess that means I’m stuck with the Tahoma either way. :blush:

I selected “Exterior blind (io)” for the screens when adding them.

As you used the IO driver then you will need Tahoma. Strange that the remote says RTS though.

I’m not sure of your requirement.
In Homey you have When cards that start a Flow when something happens, like the alarm state changed, or there are And cards, like The state is. So both of those are available.

Yeah it’s weird about the remote.

Any idea why the inverted tile doesn’t work?


Thanks for your return

I can’t fond a card for alarm io who can start a flow when alarm io (protexial) pass on…

And i don’t know how i can start a action when alarm io IS on

IS there a card who can Do it ?


I will try take a look this evening.

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It is the Alarm state changed card.

I think this card IS only for tahoma alarm
But no card like that for protexial io alarm

Ah, I have just looked at the code and see what you mean. The Protexial alarm doesn’t use the built in capability as it has multiple zones.
I will add a trigger card to the next update.

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Thanks !

I have published a test version with a new trigger card for the Protexial alarm. Let me know if it works or not as I have no way to test it.

Perfect it’s work fine,

Could you put an other card => alarm is on ?

Do you mean the alarm is on as in enabled or as in activated by a ‘break-in’?

I can’t see that I have a alarm capability so I wonder if that information is available, so could you send me the Device log from the app settings screen.

Sorry for the delay, but I don’t appear to have received the Information with the changing states via the Somfy mobile app.