[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I have 6 Velux IO blinds (solar). Of the type you linked to. They are IO.
I control them manually with the Velux remote controls and automatically with a Connexoon box and Homey. I use Adrian’s excellent app for this.
Has worked great for me for many years now.
I don’t know what the Velux App Control kit is, but it’s not something I have to make it work.


Great, thank you @Krisstenswe

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Have somfy blinds, have been trying to add it to homey pro23.

Pic of my remote.
I installed the app and put the blinds i pair mode and did as instructed in app. The blinds look like its paired but will not do any changes thru homey. Any tips?

If your blinds are using Somfy io, like your remote does, you’ll need an additional hub, like Somfy connectivity box / Tahoma hub / Connexoon hub

Hi @Adrian_Rockall

I can’t find my device named “Somfy Home Alarm”.
here is a link : https://boutique.somfy.fr/somfy-home-alarm.html

Do you know if there a tips to connect this device to Homey Pro 2023 or could you add this new feature plz ?
Thank you

Do you have a Tahoma hub?

The app doesn’t support direct connection to it, so you would need to connect it to Tahoma and then the app will pick it up. However, you won’t be able to access any of the attached sensors, only the core alarm features to change the state and notifications when an alarm occurs.

Yes i have Tahoma Switch. It’s new box from Somfy.
From Homey Pro 2023, i see my velux but not my Home Alarm while it is present in my tahoma switch.

Could you send me the device log from the App Settings page. I will have a look to see what it reports as.
I have the Somfy One+ alarm and that’s working fine. I’m fairly sure I also added support for the home alarm but I don’t have access to my code ATM.

I sent device log just now
Thank you

I have the log but difficult to view on my phone, so will look this evening.

ok thank you

You should find the alarm under the “Somfy Home Keeper” device.

I can confirm that.

Off topic, but maybe interesting for others:
You can pair the Somfy switches directly with the Velux blinds. So you can get rid of the Velux switch and get a cleaner look on your wall. :slight_smile:

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I confirm it’s working
thank you Adrian.

@Jumpingtrees i confirm too :slight_smile:

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I was able to connect almost all the devices that I have on the Tahoma app. The only device that I would need to match are the “Connected Thermostat” of Somfy. Does anyone was able to insert inside the homey pro? Thank you

If you have a Homey Pro, could you open the app settings page and select the Device Log tab, then tap on Get Log. When the list is populated tap on Send Log.
Once I have the log I can see what device you add or add support for it.

Hello Adrian,
Thanks for you fast feedback, I’ve followed your instruction and sent the log to you. Let me know :blush:. Thanks

I have looked at the log and your thermostats, etc are currently not supported by the app.

I will try to add them in soon, but in the mean time could you gather another log for me so I can see what the format is of the commands. So, open the app settings page, select the Information Log tab and then clear the log. Next check the Log Enabled box and then control the thermostat via the Somfy app. That should send the command to the thermostat and be logged by the Homey app. I guess there are several mode available so, could you go through each one and set a temperature.

Then finally send the log. Once I know what the command format is (at the moment I just know it takes two parameters), then I can implement it.

Hello Adrian,
I did it and sent to you another log, thank you.

Dear @Adrian_Rockall

Would it be possible to have a look at the following issue (Log ID included). It is about a sliding gate (Roly Smart IO from somfy) that is not discovered by the app.

Please tell me if anything else is needed.
