Sunset flow fails every day

Hello all,

Why can’t this flow work? It’s very simple I think but fails everyday to run. If I select Test from here, it works fine.


Make sure your Homey’s location (and therefore local time) is set correctly.

Also, does it fail completely (none of the action cards work), or does it just skip some of the cards?

Yeah, I checked the location/time setup; it is good. It skips everything, lights never come on. If I “Test” it, works fine. I added a timeline notification in there so I’ll see how it goes this evening

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Try setting it to a random location, then set it back again.

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Where do I do this? Checked the web interface and no option to do it. On the iPhone, is it the Location setting that shows a map?

Correct. Even though it might show the correct location, sometimes setting to a random location and then back again solves issues with time-related cards.

Done. Changed to known different time zone, waited for it to take and then changed it back. Hopefully this works. Thank you for the help and suggestions.

Hint: add timeline and/or Simple Log flowcards to all flowcards, and add a description of what’s supposed to happen. This way you can check what happened, and when, or what not happened.

You can add the sun set tag also, to see if it’s holds the correct time.


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It worked!!

Wow… so nice when things work like you imagine - lol
Thank you all for the help and suggestions.

If you feel like it, issue a support request explaining what your issue was and how it was solved (even though this issue has existed for so long now that Athom should be aware of it already and either is unable to fix it, or just doesn’t care anymore).

Which suggestion was the solution?

The one marked as such?

It doesn’t hurt when OT explicitly mention in words that a suggestion has solved the problem.:face_with_raised_eyebrow: That reference is for computers enabling searches, not for human communication. Especially when humans don’t read the whole thread again and again from the beginning to see if some suggestions has been marked.

Done. Submitted to Support as suggested.