[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

BTW: It thinks that it can also be shut, and not just up and down. So the zip screen is an exterior blind, but it’s not found in Exterior blind (io), but just in Awning / Pergola (io)

The problem is manufactures use whatever motors suit them and all the API reports is the motor type. As someone reported their device before you, I created the name based on their device. If I change it for you it will be wrong for others, so I can’t win :slight_smile:

Could you explain what you mean?

The Pergiola have tiles that can be adjusted. The zip screen does not have: https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.hQRKzEpytrzgN3-F5mt46AHaDz?w=317&h=179&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7

So in the advanced settings on the zip screen device in Homey, it has a Tile action.

So basically it misunderstands the device, and thinks it has tiles.

Also, I cannot see that something can be wrong if you use this specific device, because it can only be a zip screen, and not a Pergola. Or it might be set in some of the properties of the device.

If it would be not distinct, then the Somfy app would also be mistaken.

This is how it looks in Somfy:

Since Zip screens only have up and down, it should also show the % on the icon, like a thermostat does for example. Then you can see the status.

And I think that the Exterior Blind (io) is a more accurate term.

Is there a more detailed log that would be useful?


I have encountered somehting I would consider a bug. I do not know if this if related to Somfy app or where the root cause is more with the advanced flows.

I have two Somfy contact alarms both on one window but the windows are beside each other so I can open and close them simultaneaously. That is important to reproduce the behaviour.

When opening the windows at the same time the state of the sensors are changing, but the flow as depicted is not triggered. In Homey the contact alarm was triggered and the zone is shown as active. The flow was not triggered as I did not receive a push message nor was the variable changed.


When closing the windows simultaneously the zone becomes inactive, the status of the contact alarm changes, ang a flow is triggered. But it seemt to be triggered twice as I receive two push messages.

If I leave some time between opening window 1 and window 2 then every flow is triggered once as expected. I cannot say how much time. Did not had time to do tests, but I would say it needs to be at least 2-3 seconds.

Any idea what might cause this behaviour and how I can fix it?


As the devices are showing the correct state and you are using the zone Flow trigger, I have to conclude that it’s not an issue with the app. Therefore, you would need to contact Athom about this one.

If you have the HP2023 then make sure it is on the latest firmware as it seems a similar issue was fixed:


  • Fixes an issue that could cause repeating alarm related Flow cards to not trigger when the alarm was disabled while it ran the last time.

Thanks for the information. I am running 10.1.4 on my Homey Pro 2023. The issue is still there. Tested it this morning. I will reach out to Athom.

just send you a log with ID: a658c9ef-9b5d-4a27-b419-91771fbae973.
I cant add my roller shutter io with silent mode.

Thanks for your contribution for maintaining this app.

Unfortunately, Homey Diagnostics Reports don’t hold enough information for me to help.
If you have a Homey Pro then can you send the Detected log from the App Settings page. If you are on Homey (cloud) that option is not available so all you can do is try every device.

I’ve tried every device and de velux io worked!
Thanks for your comment.


I have the same problem , i will test your tip.


It works with Velux IO. You save my day ! thanks @eccage

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When you say “Trigger Lock State” does that mean this “When”-card is triggered →
And does this come along with a “tag” that would show you if rain “is active” or not?

And could you please be so kind and tell me the (as exact as possible) window model and the bridge model (Somfy?) you are using?

Thanks alot in advance!!

Concerning Lock state;

Since I last wrote it has rained a couple of times and the Lock state indication in Homey does not work for any of my 6 Velux windows.
The rain sensors work because I can’t open the windows, by remote control, via the Somfy app or via Adrian’s excellent Tahoma & Connexoon app in Homey, when it rains.
However, the lock state does not change on the ‘gauge’ tab. None of my test flows regarding ‘Lock state has changed’ have reacted. Lock state labels have not changed to anything - they are empty.

I can’t find anything in either the Event log or the Information log.

@nmeden has reported that Lock state works for him (except the Lock state labels haven’t changed to anything).

It started raining at 06.55 this morning. Unfortunately, I wasn’t awake when it started to rain. I turned on Event log and Information log when I woke up. Now the rain sensors are dry again and I have therefore just sent you the logs. Hopefully you can maybe see if something happens there.

Unfortunately, the earliest events are around 9:30 this morning when you hub went offline for a couple of minutes.
One thing I’m not sure about is if it makes any difference using local access.

OK - my mistake! I’ll be more alert to turn on the logs before it starts raining next time.

I have been running with Local access since January 2020 when Somfy released Dev Mode also on the Connexoon hub.
Do you suspect that Lock State does not work with Local access?
@nmeden - Do you run Local access or not?

What I dislike about the Velux rain sensors is that they don’t open the Velux when raining stops (and they were open prior to the rain).

In the summer I like to air my house, but a 5 minuten rain will close the window, and it will stay closed.

So, I disconnected the rain sensors (they have a simple 3 wire connector) and Homey closes them when it starts to rain. And opens them when the rain stops.

I agree with you! It would therefore be good if the Lock state worked in the Homey app, then I can let Homey handle the opening again after the rain sensor has dried up.
What kind of rain sensor do you use for Homey?

I don’t use a rain sensor, but two Apps:

One would be sufficient, but I have the second as a ‘to be sure’.

I never knew what the lock state represented…

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Apologies if this is answered somewhere already but I’ve searched this topic and the Somfy and Velux websites and not been able to work it out.

I have just moved house and my new house has 4 x Velux rooflights installed which currenty have manually operated blackout blinds. I’d like to get solar powered blinds and then integrate them with Homey. It looks like the Somfy Tahoma switch and this app should do the job. But this app says it supports Velux IO blinds and I can’t find any reference to IO anywhere on Velux’s website. Looks like it’s a Somfy protocol?

Can anyone confirm whether these Velux blinds (the solar powered ones) will connect via Tahoma and be controllable via this Homey app? Original VELUX blackout blinds - The ideal bedroom blind

Also, would I need to purchase a Velux App Control kit as well as the Tahoma switch or just the Tahoma?

Any guidance most gratefully received.
