[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

Yes, without any problems.

Just to confirm I meant the Homey device panel

Oh yes, that makes sense :see_no_evil:
No, here is the identical problem. I have to press twice.

Could you enable the Information log in the app settings page, run the flow or press the button, then send me the log.


Have you found out anything yet?

It all looks OK in the log.
I can see you send the close command and then send the stop command. The stop command is cancelling the close command and then being processed.
Further down I see the open command followed by a stop command.
And last is another open command.

But I have to execute the stop command twice for it to work.


  1. Awning down (it went down)

  2. Awning stop (nothing worked)

  3. Awning stop (it stopped)

  4. Awning up (it went up)

  5. Awning stop (nothing went up)

  6. Awning stop (nothing went up)

  7. Awning stop (it stopped)

Hi Adrian

Does the app also support somfy zwave devices likes this plug in link? Afstandbedienbaar stopcontact binnen Dimbaar (Z-Wave) - Rolluikonderdelen.nl

I canā€™t find it in the app therefore my question. My tahoma box however supports and controls it.


Can you send me the device log from the app settings page (not a diagnostics log).
Tap or click on Get Log and when the list is populated, click on Sens Log.
I can then see the controllable name of the devices and add support for them.

Dear Adrian_Rockall, I would like to know if you app should support integration of Somfy TaHoma Switch
Because I am not able to add it into my homey using your app.
Thanks a lot for your support

The app support the devices that are connected to the Switch, but the Switch itself has nothing to control.

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Hi itā€™s ok now, I need to choice other ā€œmaterialā€ and now itā€™s working properly, thanks a lot

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Hi @Adrian_Rockall ,

Just wanted to update you on the connectivity issues I had: the root cause seems to be the general connectivity issues the HP2023 has with unify APs, which I have in my home. Ever since I connected my Homey Pro over ehternet, I havenā€™t had any issues.


Hi everyone,

I am in the process of buying new Velux roof windows.
Yesterday I had a meeting with a Velux consultant.
He told me that the Velux roof window and the Velux roller shutter do not give any feedback about their status. I was shocked to hear that because I definitely wanna be able to see on my phone e.g. if the window is open or not. He is also upset about it (Iā€™m not the only customer asking about it) but said he canā€™t do anything as those decisions are made in Denmark and the german branch can hardly influence them.

But if Iā€™m looking at the Somfy-Appā€™s flow cards description I can see e.g. ā€œPosition has changedā€! So that tells me that supposedly there indeed is a feedback at least of some kindā€¦?!
So does this consultant have itā€™s facts wrong or do I misunderstand something drastically?!

Does anyone here use the Velux roof window and/or Velux roller shutter and can tell me exactly what kind of status-feedback one can have?

Thanks so much in advance!

I have a Connexoon box which controls 6 Velux IO roof windows and 10 Velux IO blinds. It works great to control both windows and blinds to the desired position. For example, open a window to 35%. I have done this for a couple of years now.
I donā€™t think Velux suddenly decided to stop using Somfyā€™s IO protocol? Did your Velux representative possibly mix up IO with RTS?

Thanks for the answer! That gives me hope.
After commanding e.g. ā€œOpen blinds 70%ā€ can you also see the status afterwards, that they actually are 70% opened? So can you just send commands or also check the current status?
For example if you open the window manually by hand, could you see that status?

Before making any purchases, please double check with Velux that they still use IO.

Yes, you can in a flow logically test, for example, ā€œ#Position is less then 0.5ā€ or ā€œ#Position is exactly 0.1ā€. (0.5 and 0.1 represent 50% and 10%)

You can see the status of a device in the Homey app. If you set the window manually with the remote control, the status is updated in the app.

Thank you! So strange. Gonna ask the representative if he confused something. And yes, Iā€™m not gonna spend thousands of euros before making sure about whatā€™s what.

One more question: is there a ā€œWhen rain detectedā€ card for the shutter?