[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

Ok, I think I have done that in my router now – using , have restarted app again and will see what happens now.


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Connection seemed to work well for a couple of days and dropped again last night / early this am. I have sent you the log – code is 1207365236


Everything in the log looks good, so I presume you sent it after restarting?

Ah, yes, stupid of me….next time you need it before I restart I assume?

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Hi Adrian

More mystery today.

Lost all device connectivity again. So went to the app to get ready to send you the log. Except the app showed the info log as disabled, which I didn’t change and I also had to re-enter the Tahoma log in details. This did take several attempts to work.

Now logged in again and info log is enabled. Will try again when it loses connection again.



There is a new test version that reduces the size of the log as I’m wondering if it is consuming too much space.
My Homey seems to be generating a lot of DNS errors just lately and logging all those until it seems to stop working. Errors are always logged even if the log is not enabled. So, maybe this is the cause of some of the problems others are seeing.

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Could be that – do I need to install the new test version?

If you were on a test version it will auto update else you will need to add /test to the URL in the app store and install it.

Hi, i’ve just got my set of is roller shutters and the Connectivity Kit. I’m now trying to connect it to my Homey setup. But i’m unable to find the Developer Mode setting in my Somfy Account. There’s a header “beschikbare opties” but there’s nothing below. Where should this Developer mode setting exist on my Somfy Account?

Unfortunately, the Connectivity Kit does support the developer mode local access.

Edit: but you can still connect via the cloud.

Should i use the add Tahoma option or could I just select the roller shutter? Tried the last one but mentions no device found.

You just add the roller shutter. The trick is working out which motor has been fitted as that determines which device you pick.
If you send me the Device log from the app settings page (not the Homey Diagnostics log), I can check for you.

I’ve just send you the Device log. Thanks in advance!

OK, so your shutters come under “Velux roller shutter(io)”

@Adrian_Rockall Thanks a lot, that did the trick. Hadn’t tried the Velux option yet because it’s a somfy motor. Everything works now and even created a few flows. Works great!

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It’s because Velux use Somfy motors and now other integrators use whatever they can get, so the old distinction has been muddied.

Hi all
Stop the movement - I would like to stop the movement of the awning while it is moving.
But this is not possible. How can I realise this?

This is from shelly and would be very cool…

There should be a card to set the state:

Just set that to idle to stop the current movement.

it only works if I execute the function twice…?

(it’s only a test here, doesn’t make any sense :crazy_face:)

If you use the device panel to move and stop, does it work then?