[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I will have a look at your log and check the app when I get home, as I don’t use them myself.

I have looked at the log in more detail now I am home and I can see that the app has not had time to login to the cloud before you tray to get the scenario list. Could you try again and if it still fails try a repair on one of the devices to see if that will fix a login problem.
I think the app has logged in locally, so some things may appear to work, but the scenarios are only available for the the cloud.

hello, thanks for you feed back.

I always have the problem.
all my devices work fine individually

when i try to make a flow with tahoma scenrio : no scenario is find and i have the message : “Invalid_result”

Could you send me the log from the app settings page so I can see if any errors are showing up.


I send you the log with the application setting.


I haven’t received the log.

this is the code of the diagnostic

i think i have a problem with my somfy connection

i close the connection and now i have this message
error : network request failed

but i’m sure of my login and password…

i have tahoma version 4.0.59 => is it a stable version ?

@Nicolas_Lambersens , When did you last update your TaHoma Switch?

i have a tahoma box (not a switch)
tahoma version : 3.18.10
homey app tahoma : 4.0.59


I re-install the app tahoma in homey
And know thé connection seems tonne good

Many thanks for tour help


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Is there a limit on shutters that you can control ? I have 11 shutters, only 10 perform an action (open all / close all)

Also can not load scenario’s from Tahoma / connexxoon
Any advise ?

Can the app integrate the Smoove Uno A/M io Pure control? Didn’t find anything here.

Could you send me the log from the app settings screen - Device Log. If I can see the control in the data I can add support for it.
Not all controls get added to the device list as they just pair directly to a device.

Hey Adrian, gimme some time. I’m waiting for it to get installed. I’ll come back here once I got the log.

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Hi Adrian,

Thank you for developing and supporting the Somfy Tahoma app
Today I have installed a Somfy Tahoma switch.
I have added 2 Roller shutters with quiet mode (io) and 2 Exterior blinds (io)
Installation of the app and adding the Roller shutters and Exterior blinds went without problems.

I noticed that in the Roller shutter device there is tab with the My button, but for the Exterior blind it does not show a tab with the My Position button.
It does show a tab with info regarding the lock mode and the location (%-age) of the My Position.
I have send you my device log.

Is it possible to add a tab with the My Position button just like is available for the Roller shutters?
And also please add it to the then Flow “Set Position to MY”.

Version info:
Tahoma switch:
box version 2023 3.4-5
app version 1.19.1 (317)
Homey Somfy Tahoma app version: 4.0.59

With a quick look, it seems they should both have the My button but I am tires and on my way to bed now, so maybe I am missing something. Tomorrow when I have more time I will fire up my simulator and run you log through it to see what happens.

It is not urgent, take your time.
Sleep well :zzz:

Dear Adrian,

I just submitted my log via the app.
I have a homey pro 2023, when connecting to my Tahoma box my comfy protexial io alarm is not found as a device. The device name is “alarm io” in. the log; Would it be possible for you to add. Secondly I cannot reach my comfy scenario’s from the app, whilst in the cloud version I was able to do so. Don’t know if this is normal behavior. Ps keep up the good work… much appreciated; Regards Geert