[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I don’t have a specific list. The app just requests the list of devices for your account from both and then checks local first.
At the moment there is one special case for the radiator valve as that can provide status update locally but has to be controlled from the cloud. I reported this to Somfy but waiting for a fix.
In general anything that is controlled directly by the Tahoma box is local. So, for me, my One Alarm still requires the cloud as Tahoma talks to that via the cloud.

Do you have any apps on your phone that can show mDNS broadcasts?
I use an app on Android called Service Browser.

Maybe it is mentiond before but just to be shure.

I have a Atlantic explorer V4 will it connect to Homey by the Cozytouch Bridge?

and what is the difference with this one?

This is the V2?


Sorry, I have no idea. If it can be added to Tahoma then I can probably add it to the app, so maybe contact Somfy to find out.

I have a Markilux 8800 tracfix awning (40° degrees) for shading of my wintergarden/conversatory.
Due to the fact that I bought the house I don’t know exactly what kind of motor is in use. But i assume a Somfy EVB Slim Receiver Variation IO (probably anywhere behind the wall) is connected to the motor and this one is integrated with the Somfy Tahoma and the IO Remote (Situo 5 Variation A/M IO pure). It don’t really make sense to the EVB Slim Receiver Variation because it it is not venetian blinds, it is a 45° awning. Don’t know why the previous owner who build the house installed that one… But never mind…
It shows up in the Somfy App and in the Homey as a Venetian shutter and is possible to control.
Since over a year now everything works smooth - until today. Since today (or maybe already over the last two days - where i did not used it) with every control (Somfy App, IO Remotes, Homey App) it only moves only 15-20% of the distance and then stops. Then I can again trigger again moving to close or to open position and it again moves only 15-20% more in to the desired direction.
So I need to roundabout 6-7 times press the button to the desired direction/state and only then I am reaching the end positions. So it stops several times.
And I don’t know what the reason could be… I tried to restart everything (electricity off too). Tried to check the end state configuration of the EVB slim receiver variation IO - but also no change.
I sent the Logs via the App configuration page. The Device name is “Wintergarten Markise”.
Do you may have an idea or heard from such a case in the past?
Thank you in advance!!
Best regards

I’ve not seen that before so I think you will need to contact Somfy. You can provide them with the following piece of information:

          "timestamp": 1680458840148,
          "setupOID": "6dbdac5f-0339-4ee7-9dc7-cf3cb1ec008a",
          "execId": "4326d8d8-ac10-3e01-06d7-33aaf36f4728",
          "newState": "FAILED",
          "deviceURL": "io://0203-4702-7222/1445705",
          "rank": 0,
          "failureTypeCode": 166,
          "name": "CommandExecutionStateChangedEvent",
          "failureType": "WHILEEXEC_OTHER"

Hello Adrian,

No unfortunatelyi do not have any android devices, im limited to IOS.

I can confirm that i still havent got a local token for the unit inside the homey, still get the same error.

I get this error in information log, developer mode activated. Restarted hub. (HP23)

    "time": "2023-04-13T17:53:53.442Z",
    "elapsed": 15.236,
    "source": "getLocalTokens failed",
    "data": "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'pin')"
    "time": "2023-04-13T17:54:08.233Z",
    "elapsed": 14.791,
    "source": "syncLoop",
    "data": "Logged in = true, Local = false, Old Sync State = false"
    "time": "2023-04-13T17:54:08.377Z",
    "elapsed": 0.144,
    "source": "Fetching Events",
    "data": "Complete"

No problems to worry about. It just means your Tahoma / Connexoon is not setup for local connections, so it just use the cloud.

I have successfully managed to connect all my io screens and io rollershutters to the homey tahoma app. Only one exception. I have one Somfy io roller shutter that is powered by batteries and a solar cell on the cassette. I have tried all the io devices listed in the app but none of them detects my solar roller shutter. The Tahoma app connected to a tahoma switch has no problem adding this roller shutter. Has anybody successfully connected a solar roller shutter in homey?

Thanks @Dijker for referencing the topic so I get notified about this.

@Bart_van_Diem if you have a Homey Pro can you send the device log as specified in the topic Geurt referred to.
If I find the device is not currently supported, that information will allow me to add it. If it is supported then I can let you know which Homey device to use.

Thanks @Dijker for relocating the topic to where it belongs. (Sorry for the misplacement).

Adrian, thank you for you quick response and offer to help. I have sent you the device log. Hope you can solve the issue. Thanks for all your effort!

New test version in the store now. Added the io:DynamicRollerShutterIOComponent and the io:SunEnergyActuatorSensor.

You are very fast! I have installed the test version and both the roller shutter and solar panel are now recognized and added to the homey devices without any problems. Thank you very much for your support!

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Hi Adrian, Somfy has a new device “Connectivity kit”. Is it possible for you to get this in your app as well?

It has been around for a long time and is supported by the app already :+1:

Hi there – seems like a silly question but I want to set up our Connexoon box to work locally and sign in to the Somfy website – but it won’t accept my sign in details. I get an error even after updating my password there. The details work in the Tahoma app no problem.
Is this just their site being rubbish? Thanks

Do you have a Pro or the cloud Homey?
If it’s the Pro could you send me the info log from the App configuration page.

I have a pro homey - but I actually meant I’m trying to sign in to their site just in the web browser. And it won’t accept it even tho the TaHoma app works fine.
I can’t sign in to the site via tour app at the moment because it says too many login attempts and I have to wait 15 minutes.

Are you going to https://www.tahomalink.com?
It’s working fine for me, so I guess their servers are working.