[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I see, ok so I will wait for the next version of the app. Thanks

You can install the new version from /test.
You roof blinds can be found by adding ‘Awning / Pergola (io)’.

It works! You are amazing. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Adrian,

First a big thanks for all the effort you put into this app.

I’ve just zend you a device log of my Atlantic heatpump system. Although I can see the controls for the waterheating and heating system, I’m missing the other devices which are in the Tahoma app.

These are:

  • The outsider tempature sensor
  • The control unit tempature measurement
  • The powrerconsumption values for:
    • The total system
    • The warm water heating system
    • The house heating system

I hope these can be added.

Kind regards,


I have your log so will have a look tomorrow.

I think the outside temperature sensor can be added via the “Temperature Sensor (io)”
The energy sensor should be under “Energy Meter”

If I am missing something, could you give me the names of the devices that appear in the Somfy app so i can track down which devices they are.

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Hi there, thanks for the great app.
I have one problem, I had to replace the somfy light controller. Before, the lights were identified as dimmable lights (DimmableLightIOComponent), and everything worked great between Tahoma and Homey. Now I have the same lights paired and identified in Tahoma as DimmableColorTemperatureLightIOComponent and I can’t add them to Homey, I see No devices… message in every light category.
Please where could be the problem?
Thank you.

Could you send the device log from the Configure App screen so I can see what features it has. Hopefully I can just add it to the “RGBW Light” but I nned to check it supports the same commands first.

I have published a new test version.
The ‘io:DimmableColorTemperatureLightIOComponent’ is under ‘Tuneable White light’

Works great, many thanks.

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Hey, I hope someone knows this. how do you get the homekit code on Tahoma. I got the right box/version but I don’t have the sticker.

You should get this from the app but i cannot find it.


Hi Adrian,

Thanks for your reply. I’am able to add the devices, but it looks like no data is available. The tempature sensor and energy usage data is unavailable.

Which logs should I take a look at?

Look at the information log, but make sure the option is turned on.

I have just spotted there have been some crash logs, some look like they are from the ‘io_energy_sensor’. I will investigate those and publish an update shortly.

New test version is in the store which might fix the issue.

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When trying to get local token from the settings menu, the following error is shown
“Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘pin’)”

Dev mode is enabled from the Somfy website.

It seems it can take a while for the Tahoma box to get the message and start to broadcast it’s information over mDNS. Once it does, the app will pick it up and get the pin in the message. It will then automatically use that to log in and connect locally.

What is a while? we are almost talking 24h now, still no token, i would really like to disable the internet connection from the Tahoma.

I createde a report for you to look at, if you want to :slight_smile:

Have a great weekend! :slight_smile:

Have you tried rebooting everything?
Is it possible there is something blocking mDNS broadcasts?
Is your Tahoma box firmware updated?

Everything has been rebooted 12h ago, latest firmware.

Could be a Somfy sided problem.

btw, do you have a list over devices there supports local api and devices running on the cloud api?