[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

Haha, I hid the remote :wink:

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I feel very embarrassed as the last update has not gone well.
I have received an email from Somfy informing me that since about midday today (approximately when the update went live) the authorisation server started receiving thousands of requests. They are therefore blocking the authorisations via the new OAuth method until the problem is fixed. Once I have issued an updated version, they will reenable the developer credentials.
I have published a test version, and asked for it to go live, that temporarily disables the OAuth login method. Once that is live it should stop the ‘attack’ so I will ask for the credentials to be enabled again. Then I can run test versions to find out why it has happened.
It is very frustrating when everything works perfectly for me as it makes it difficult to detect and track down the problem.
My suspicion is that it’s the older Homey firmware that uses old versions of the node,js libraries. But I am only guessing that so if anyone with ne new v5 firmware is have login issues could you let me know.
I will do everything I can to try and fix this ASAP but I apologise for the situation.

I will add that Somfy have been incredibly supportive so far and tried to give me time to solve the problem before putting in a temporary block to protect their system. Unfortunately, due to the timescale of publishing an update, they had no other choice.


I have just pushed a test version with all the node.js libraries updated. I’m not user if the store will pick those up and use them but it will be interesting to see if it fixes any login issues.

I tried 2.1.14 (what happened with 2.1.13?) and login went successful.

Only issue I had a while ago, is that I had to switch suddenly from OAuth off to OAuth on, otherwise I got a 401 error. Now I have no idea how it logs in:

    "time": "2020-11-04T21:08:17.804Z",
    "source": "post",
    "data": {
      "message": "/logout"
    "time": "2020-11-04T21:08:21.373Z",
    "source": "Tahoma Login",
    "data": {
      "message": "Start Simple Login",
      "stack": {
        "attempts": 0,
        "blocked": 0,
        "linkURL": "default"
    "time": "2020-11-04T21:08:22.366Z",
    "source": "Tahoma Simple Login",
    "data": {
      "message": "Successful",
      "stack": {
        "success": true,
        "roles": [
            "name": "ENDUSER"
    "time": "2020-11-04T21:17:03.006Z",
    "source": "Boost Sync",
    "data": {
      "message": "Increased Polling",
      "stack": {
        "syncInterval": 3,
        "queSize": 1
    "time": "2020-11-04T21:17:03.015Z",
    "source": "Registering Events",
    "data": {
      "message": "Starting",
      "stack": ""
    "time": "2020-11-04T21:17:03.020Z",
    "source": "post",
    "data": {
      "message": "/events/register"
    "time": "2020-11-04T21:17:05.196Z",
    "source": "post",
    "data": {
      "message": "Access token expired -> logging in again",
      "stack": "https://www.tahomalink.com/enduser-mobile-web/enduserAPI/events/register"
    "time": "2020-11-04T21:17:05.201Z",
    "source": "Tahoma Login",
    "data": {
      "message": "Start Simple Login",
      "stack": {
        "attempts": 1,
        "blocked": 0,
        "linkURL": "default"
    "time": "2020-11-04T21:17:05.855Z",
    "source": "Tahoma Simple Login",
    "data": {
      "message": "Successful",
      "stack": {
        "success": true,
        "roles": [
            "name": "ENDUSER"

I noticed the boost sync interval is back at 3:

“syncInterval”: 3,

I thought you increased it to 10:

It was in the store for about an hour :grinning:. I pushed that with OAuth disabled and then I decided to update all the libraries so pushed 14

These versions are the old login method only.

I put the boost back to 3 seconds as it captured the sequence of messages that are the response from commands more efficiently. That way sequential commands happen faster so the overall time in boost is much less.

Okay then for some reason, that works for me again. As I mentioned I was always with OAuth disabled, cause it was not there, but since 3 weeks ago, suddenly I had to enable OAuth otherwise I received a 401 error.

I could try to install an old app version (2.1.2 for example), to see if I can login with OAuth off (and old node.js libraries)

Edit: I tried version 2.1.1, but with OAuth off and on I can login succesfull. Im not sure why 3 weeks ago the default (no OAuth) didn’t work and now suddenly that one seems to work again… I switched back to 2.1.14.

Updated to 2.1.14 and it’s running without any problems - logging in, polling and control of windows and blinds works.

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Now i constantly get error 401.
With any login method.

Which version do you have? 2.1.12? Otherwise it’s good to try 2.1.14 just for Adrian to find out if his last change fixes something for people with login issues. 2.1.14 is pushed to stable, so probably you do have 2.1.14 right now.

Sorry ,got the new version 2.1.14 pushed.
And my app stopped.
But, after a couple of hours i could login again.

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I sent a log of my devices

These components seem to be unknown.
“controllableName”: “internal:TSKAlarmComponent”,
“controllableName”: “internal:PodV2Component”,
“controllableName”: “io:StackComponent”,
“controllableName”: “ogp:Bridge”,
“controllableName”: “ovp:SomfyPilotWireTemperatureSensorOVPComponent”,
“controllableName”: “ovp:SomfyPilotWireHeatingInterfaceOVPComponent”,.
Best regards

These are just the Somfy box so have nothing to control.

This is the Tahoma built in alarm feature so possible could do something with that.

These I will look into and try to add support for. Could you PM me with some screen shots of the Somfy interface for those so I can make sure i understand the options.

Some good news, Somfy have let me know they have reenabled the OAuth key so the latest quick fix has presumably stopped the ‘attack’.
I am now trying to get to the bottom of the real cause of the problem and I might have made a discovery about the new axios web library. Other users of the library have also reported a similar issue to the one I suspect is happening and there are a few suggestion on how to work around it. So, I am in the process of trying those.
Once I am as confident as I can be (considering I can’t recreate the problem on my Homey) I will publish a test version. This will probably go back to a manual setting for the login method just to be cautious. Somfy have been really good about this so far but if it happens again then I would think it would not go down well.


The fact that somfy gives you time to resolve the problem sounds really good. This means they support other systems to communicate with the somfy boxes.

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Really good to ‘hear’ that Somfy is willing to help! This sounds a lot better that the email we received :smiley:

That said: I didn’t have any issues. When the sun goes down, my shutters close, I think the problem was fixed before this :smiley:

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My version 2.1.8 won’t log in, am I the only one?

Can you try version 2.1.15? There have been lots of changes / fixes to login.

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OK, I have published v2.1.15 to test.
Lots of changes so hopefully should be better. But mine has always worked so it’s difficult to say for sure.

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I had still login issue since today after v14 update.
I’ve just installed your v15 and now login is working. Thank you!

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Hi Adrian,
Where do I find it?