[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

As @Jan_Peeters said it reduces the number of apps.
Plus I found Homey RTS struggled to reach one of my blinds so it was unreliable. Tahoma on the other hand works 100%. Remember RTS has no feedback so if it fails, Homey is blissfully unaware.
The RTS app has the advantage that it’s completely local so I wouldn’t buy a Tahoma if that’s all you have.
I did think long and hard before adding the Hue lights but as the request also had an iO light and the Hue lights fitted in nicely with that, I decided to add them.
So my goal is to support the Tahoma and Connexoon hubs, but that means supporting their devices.
You are right to question it though.

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I tried to install 2.1.10, but somehow it doesn’t install. Maybe homey appstore have some issues? The app still shows 2.1.8.

Very strange. Maybe try again later. I know a couple of users have installed it yesterday.

Apparently Homey was the whole night in some installation state, seems it got stuck:


I did a PtP and now 2.1.10 installed fine:

No idea what went wrong, but it works now :slight_smile:

Looks like just one of those Homey moments. Glad it’s OK now.

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Hi, not sure if this is already a known and solved issue. So many posts at this moment. I did search on “request failed with status code 401” but I could not find any solution that works.

I did not receive any email from somfy as others did. But since three days there seems to be no connection between Homey and Tahoma to close and open my roller shutters. When I tested the flows, the icons for the shutters showed a continuous “busy circle” but nothing happened.

So I decided to deinstall and reinstall the app. First notable thing: it installs version 2.1.7 where I do see
in this thread there are newer versions.

The current problem is that when I want to add a shutter, I get a “request failed with status code 401” error.

I saw that Marcel_Valentijn had the same issue on Oct 7 and you responded with a new OAUTH login method ticked or not. But I do not see that option at all in the login settings in the Homey app.

I do see other messages on the error, but not a clear solution yet.

I am using 4.2.0 of Homey.

Am I doing something wrong?

2.1.10 is in test. The link to get test version of an app is the same as the normal version but add /test to the end of the url. The link and instructions are in the first post of this topic so it would be worth scrolling to the top and look through that as it provides a lot of information about the app.
The login method is automatic on the new versions so the option you refer to has been taken out.

When you are on the app configuration screen and tap on Save Credentials, do you see a message saying login successful or an error message?

Has your Tahoma hub been updated recently as it seems Somfy are slowly switching to the new method?

I have also noticed that the login will sometimes fail for a period of time and then work again so I think Somfy are either having issues or are blocking for some reason.

If you continue to have issues then send me the Information log that is mentioned in the first post.

Hi Adrian, thanks a lot for your reply!

Using test versions is not what I prefer, unless I really have to.

Yesterday morning login was successful. I only received errors when trying to connect devices. But after seeing your reply I looked again yesterday evening and my credentials were empty. Filling in the credentials again lead to failed login error. This morning tried it again, and failed login again. I do use the same credentials as when I login to the Tahoma website connection to the Tahoma box.

I did check my Tahoma app too. Could not find out if there was a recent update. The Tahoma app does state the box is up to date and using version 3.16.2(312).

I did send the Information Log and the Device Log (Apparaat log in Dutch) to you via your app. So I hope that helps.

Does this give you more information?

Thanks a lot for the attention and when the app was working properly, I was very happy with the app so great work!


I have just published test version 2.1.12.
This has the following changes:

  • Delay sync flow actions if sync is currently boosted. This prevents the boost from being cancelled when a flow action to stop the polling or change the interval is run. Therefore, the current action completes correctly.
  • Auto login method is now active all the time and not just when the credentials are saved. So, if the login is met with a 401 Not Authorised error, the app tries the alternative method without having to manually save the credentials again.

Hi @Adrian_Rockall,

I am still using v2.1.7 but after several attempts the app is working fine now after a restart of the app yesterday evening. This morning it is still working fine. Let’s hope it stays that way ;-).


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Maybe 2.1.12 can be pushed to stable? The deadline of Somfy is now expired and the latest versions do contain some extra information at settings. That warns users about the load on the Somfy servers and how to set the sync interval (update frequency)

There are many people like Johan, who don’t update to the test version.

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The request has been made so just waiting for Athom to approve it.

Edit: Athom were really quick so V2.1.12 is now live.


@rvdeijk what is the preferred sync interval? I use it to check if my Connexoon box successfully adjusted my screens and pergola.

@Adrian_Rockall I’m using the latest stable version, and I have to restart the app every hour. I checked the log file:

I haven’t experienced this before in any of the previous versions. After a restart, the app works as is should. But for a limited amount of time.

This is the info from the app:

"The app can poll for updates to keep Homey synchronised to the devices. This puts a load on the Somfy servers so keep switched off if possible. If you need updates for sensors then keep the interval as high as you can.”

So there is no clear answer :wink:
Somfy doesnt like when the API is used 24/7 with a certain interval. So if you do need to poll for updates then make sure it’s random and as high as possible. With a flow card you can adjust the sync interval. When no updates are needed, cause you are sleeping or away then make sure the sync is off, can also be done with a flow card.

I only have roller shutters, so I decided to disable the sync. When I change the roller shutter by a flow then the app will enable the boost sync for a short while. So I do get updates. Only drawback is when I change the roller shutter with connexoon or remote, then Homey doesn’t know the new state. But again it’s a roller shutter, not a big deal :smile:

@Adrian_Rockall any news from Somfy? Last we know there was some discussion by email between Somfy and the developers of the Home Assistant Somfy app and you of course.

The token does expire after an hour (Somfy does that) but the app should automatically renew it. In the image of the log it does appear to be doing that OK.
v2.1.12 is now live and I have made changes to try and improve the login so maybe that will fix the issue.

The explanation form @rvdeijk is pretty good with regards to the polling. Basically, if you don’t need constant updates then switch polling off.

I have not heard anything from Somfy for a while now, except a chap from the Amsterdam office, who is responsible for Smart Home products in Northern Europe, dropped me an email just to introduce himself to me. I emailed him back but I have not heard any more.

I have a feeling that Somfy don’t want to make anything official with regards to using the API but I am hoping they will just look the other way provided it doesn’t’ disrupt their servers.
The changes I have made should have reduced the load on the servers considerably so fingers crossed it will just go quite.


Thank you both very much! I wasn’t aware of the variable interval. I’ll integrate this in my flows, and only fetch the data when needed after an adjustment.

@Adrian_Rockall is there a way I can support your work? I really appreciate your effort to make everyone’s home smarter and better :slight_smile:

Just to share my settings with the rest:
I’ve setup the app to poll every 900 seconds (so, every 15 minutes).

I control my roller IO shutters using certain “sun events” triggers (that’s a separate app).
As such as soon as the nautical twilight (night) hits a flow disables the status updates entirely and the next day when the nautical twilight (morning) hits a flow resumes the status updates.

I hope this combo significantly reduces the load on the Somfy API.

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There is a PayPal link on the app page in the app store. It’s at the bottom of the page under Contribute - donate. But just knowing the app is helping someone is all I need.


@Raeven I’ve solved it a different way. I have the preferred position set as a variable in Homey. When the variable changes, it triggers the position command to the Connexoon. So that every time the main flow runs to determine the preferred position for the screens and pergola, it won’t trigger a position command to Connexoon, only the change will.
And with the flow that sends position commands to the Connexoon, I start a countdown timer for 200 secs. When the timer starts, the polling starts with a 60s interval. After 70s another flow checks if the variable is the same as the position value of the device.
If not, it will send the command again (and notify me), and if successful, the polling stops. So this way, Homey will only poll a couple of times per day.

That’s quite elaborate, but using an intermediate variable is certainly smart! I’m sure I might be sending a useless command to set the shutters to the same position they might be in. Certainly would help preventing that.

The misses tends to use the official IO shutter remote, so I can’t entirely forego polling the status (hence why I still check every 15 minutes).