[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I am new here. Just have a question about the io roller schutters. I have no tahoma system only the io schutters with a hand controller. Can I control the schutters with Homey and your app?
Otherwise i must buy a Homey and a Tahoma connection Box. That’s a lot of money.

Hi and welcome. Unfortunately you need the Tahoma or Connexoon box as well. This app commincates with the Somfy server on the Internet. So you need the Somfy box to control the shutters and update the server.

The document of iMick contain info of a full API, is that one not based on the official one? I thought you already moved from the unofficial one to a more official approach? Or am I missing something.

On the home assistant site I read there is a version based on the tahoma (unofficial) and a Somfy (official) version. Not sure what the differences are. Maybe @iMick can explain.

Would it take a full rewrite to switch to the official one? Or can’t you use the official one, cause it lacks a lot of functionality or proper documentation? Maybe the homey owner that works at Somfy can provide the missing parts :slight_smile:

I bought my homey and connexoon for exact the same reason as you. Homey+connexoon io ( dont buy the RTS version) costs a bit more then tahoma, but afterwards you can use xiaomi-temperature sensors (you can buy 10 of those for the price of 1 somfysensor) and you have a lot more possibilities then when you just buy the tahoma

The document is for the unofficial one.
The official api has very limited support for devices for some reason. Somfy seems to have abandoned it after the second update back in 2018.
The documentation is available for that here https://developer.somfy.com/apis-docs
For me it only provides support to open and shut my camera cover. So no sunis, door contacts, alarm or RTS blinds. I guess that’s why HA still has 2 versions.
If it supported all the devices I would switch to it in a heartbeat. Yes it would require a rewrite of the app but that’s not a problem.

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Hi adrian,

Thanks again for your work on the loginproblems. I have not updated since your testversion 2.0.5, but had the firmware update on my brand new connexoon(3days after first use and also firmwareupdate). I read here someone who just had the app installed, but didnt use it also received the mail. I on the other hand havent received anything so far.

One more question. Somfy and homey seem to know the posion of each blind (slider moves when opening/closing). Can i read that value? Would use it to disable a flow 30 minutes.

I’m still running on version 2.0.3 and the problems are solved since a few days.
Homey (early 2018)

I’m not expert of nodejs, I only forked a few apps to adapt them to my need :slight_smile:
But as I understand it, each device of an app is a different “thread”.
Now maybe the word thread is not right, not sure, but that lock (mutex) mecanism seems to be the way to handle it when accessing global funtions :slight_smile:

Apps are single-threaded (at least the JS-part of an app), no locking required (or available…).

Installed and tested 2.0.12. Works perfectly!
However in information log there are many “Unhandled rejection” with message “invalid_type”.

Can you send me the log so I can check them?
Also try the standard Create Diagnostics Report button to create a crash report.

I have to be honest, I don’t know :confused:
As you might have seen, I only took over the app a few weeks ago and I don’t have any blinds that report their position. When I get back to my PC I will take a look but may be another user has the answer quicker.

Normally, the official Somfy API would be the best way of controlling your Somfy devices. It provides OAuth for authentication and it has public documentation.

However, the Somfy API is still very limited in terms of device support. Many devices are not supported and the way you can interact with them is limited as well. Still no support for webhooks, or even a basic event fetching mechanism. The roadmap is unclear, but based on the conversations with Somfy that have been shared with me, they don’t invest heavily in their API.

The (internal) API used by tahomalink[.]com offers better device support, is more stable (most of the time…) and has more advanced polling features. I have some devices that are not supported with the official Somfy API, thus that’s why we spend a few months rewriting the tahoma integration by ‘reverse engineering’ tahomalink[.]com. Most of the logic is in their javascript, thus a great source to learn more about the possibilities (and limitations).

By the way, this will be my last post here. Good luck with rewriting the component using the best practices provided. Apparently the Homey community does see my posts as spam, since almost all my posts here are hidden and marked as spam.

Your post was flagged as spam : the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected.


Thank you so much for your help. The tip about the event endpoint has made a huge difference to the impact on the Somfy servers and given me hope that it will be tolerated.

@moderators is there anything you can do to retrieve / allow the posts for @iMick?

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I’ve already restored his posts (and removed flags), it was just discourse seeing the tohomalink as a real link, and seeing this in 3 posts in a row it thought it was spam.

Have already contacted (send a message to) @iMick too about it.



i have installe the version 2.0.13, and have the error “request failed status code 401”
Have testet all connection url, with the sync speed 10, 15 and 30.

Have changed the password.

I have the conexoon box.

Thanks for help

did you try the oAuth checkbox with default url ?

When i check the oAuth new login method i have the error code 400…

I had similar issues. I solved it bij switching the App off for 3 hours. I think too many failed logins blocked something temporarily.

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ok turn off