[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I have published version 2.0.14. This fixes an error when io shutters are moved as the code was trying to convert the “open” or “closed” to an integer.
The old method of fetching state information returned numbers for any numerical values but the new events returns everything as strings. Therefore I went through the code and converted the values from text to integers but got a bit carried away and added the conversion to the open/ close state as well.

2.0.14 is working fine for me.
No more errors!

thx adrian!

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oh btw, if some days you wanna “upgrade” to the top level :

I’m also using “Home Heating Scheduler”, it uses console.re to log stuff.
It allows to check logs on the web (through a unique identifier).
So the logs are not stored locally anymore. and you can even share the url !

I use that too. Can you please explain it bit more what you mean… Thanks!

In settings of Homey Heating Scheduler", you can activate console.re. it give you a code, (let’s say ABCDEF).
then you go: console.re/ABCDEF
Full logs (really full!)

I used it to debug several issues one year ago, and made my own fork to fix them :stuck_out_tongue:
Last winters, those few bugs costed me hundreds euros in electricity …

No idea if they were fixed in the official app since then.

Thanks for the tip, that looks interesting. I tried Loggly for a while but it didn’t provide a helpful method of getting the information so gave up on that. I will definitely investigate that more when I get some spare time.

I am having some issues too. What does your fork fix?

Thanks for the quick response and answer!

we are off topic here :slight_smile:

You should see my 4 commits there

I soften a little what I said above: because of those bugs, lot of power outage and my setup (wire to control heater), it costs me hundreds of euros

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Indeed continue in the right topic or in a direct message :wink:

@Adrian_Rockall do you have the feeling the test version can be send to official?

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I think it’s close. There are still a few reports of login failures but I’m not sure if they are just server issues.

Indeed, I also read that some people have login failures with 2.0.3 and I suggested them to switch to the test version, so they could login with OAuth on.

After they did, they were able to login.
Sometimes with OAuth on, sometimes by choosing another server and sometimes by doing nothing, but close the app for a few hours and retry to login again.

I think @Eternity can confirm.

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They are back. Many thanks.
@Adrian_Rockall , are you still resistent to create your donation accout? Me and many ppl would like buy you a beer for your enormous job!


N=1. But worked for me :smiling_face:

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New test version 2.0.15.

I had a nice disco lighting effect on my patio :slight_smile: where I was comparing a true/false capability value with a text event value. So, when the lights were turned off, the event would turn them back on. Then my flow would switch the off again, etc, etc, etc.

I have now checked every device for the same issue and found the opening sensor also had a similar issue. All the others look OK,

I think I will ask Athom to move the app to stable tomorrow evening if there are no more issue reported.

A big thankyou to everyone for your help and patients over the last few days. I couldn’t have done this without your support.


Isntalled and tested 2.0.15. Looking good, but I only have shutters.


If anyone is interested in translation the new text into Dutch they are here:

  1. “linkurl”: “Connection URL”,
  2. “save_verifying”: “Attempting to login. Please wait…”,
  3. “logout_description”: “This will logout from Tahoma and remove your credentials from the app.”,
  4. “min_sync_speed”: “Minimum Sync Speed value is 10”,
  5. “pref_saved”: “The preferences have been saved”,
  6. “settings”: “Settings”,
  7. “information_log”: “Information Log”,
  8. “device_log”: “Device log”,
  9. “state_log”: “State Log”,
  10. “oauth_method”: “Use new OAuth login method”,
  11. “intro1”: “Use this if you have a device that is not supported.”,
  12. “intro2”: “Set the Log Enable option and wait for the data to appear. Then send the log.”,
  13. “intro3”: “Contact @Adrian_Rockall on the community forum to describe which device is not supported.”,
  14. “intro4”: “No personal data is captured or sent so if you don’t contact me I will not be able to respond.”,
  15. “get”: “Get Log”,
  16. “clear”: “Clear Log”,
  17. “send”: “Send Log”,
  18. “log_enabled”: “Log Enabled

It’s just the bold section that need translation as the other bits are code so I know where to put them back :smiley:

If any one wants to translate the rest into any other language then let me know and I will send you the complete list.

Im use the V2.0.15 but i cant log in. I have tested all connection url with an without the oAuth. I have allredy the error code 400 or 401 or failed to log in.

“Linkurl”: “Verbindings-URL”,
“Save_verifying”: “Er wordt geprobeerd in te loggen. Even geduld aub…”,
“Logout_description”: “Hierdoor wordt u uitgelogd bij Tahoma en uw inloggegevens worden uit de app verwijderd.”,
“Min_sync_speed”: “Minimale synchronisatiesnelheid is 10",
“Pref_saved”: "Voorkeuren opgeslagen”,
“Settings”: “Instellingen”,
“Information_log”: “Informatie log”,
“Device_log”: “Apparaat log”,
“State_log”: “Status log”,
“Oauth_method”: “Gebruik de nieuwe OAuth-inlogmethode”,
“Intro1”: “Gebruik dit als u een apparaat heeft dat niet wordt ondersteund.”,
“Intro2”: “Klik op log ophalen en wacht tot de gegevens verschijnen. Verstuur daarna de log.”,
“Intro3”: “Neem contact op met @Adrian_Rockall op het communityforum. Geef aan welk apparaat niet wordt ondersteund.”,
“Intro4”: “Er worden geen persoonlijke gegevens bewaard of verzonden. Als u geen contact met mij opneemt, kan ik niet reageren.”,
“Get”: “Log ophalen”,
“Clear”: “Log wissen”,
“Send”: “Log verzenden”,
“Log_enabled”: “Log ingeschakeld

And I found one mistake:
Synchronisatie snelheid = Synchronisatiesnelheid

Some other comments:

  1. When I press Voorkeuren opslaan (Save preferences) I’m not seeing a feedback message like: The preferences have been saved. So I think that feedback message is broken?
  2. You mention at Intro2: Set the Log Enable option and wait for the data to appear…
    This sentence does not make sense, cause there is no enable log option, the user have to press Get log. So it should be something like: Press Get Log and wait for the data to appear. Then send the log.
  3. The state log panel have no description. In this panel the user does have to enable the log option first (or is it enabled by default)?
  4. I’m not sure if ‘preferences’ should be translated as ‘voorkeuren’. Or is ‘configuratie’ better?
    So it would be ‘Configuratie’ opslaan with a ‘Configuratie opgeslagen’ feedback message:

    But maybe it’s me and voorkeuren is just fine :slight_smile:
  5. Should ‘Log enabled’ be translated as ‘Log ingeschakeld’ or is ‘Log actief’ better?

To all the Dutch readers, please correct me if I made a mistake.

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