[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

I removed the device and added it again : the sliding tab is back. I can see as well that the design changed (not the same icons) and it is more clearer than before.

I dont know why the tab disappeared but i guess an update somewhat with the new setup/design of the tab could have been at the reason.

Removing and re-adding the sliding gate fixed it.

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Anyone having experience with the lux sensor ?

If yes … what update interval can be set ?

If it’s via the cloud it will be 30 seconds minimum and locally 3 seconds minimum.
But the sensor only publishes new data when the lux changes. Looking back at the insights, I would guess it changes about once per minute.

Super … thanks :+1:

I have some velux roof lights with automated blinds. I am trying to install them through Homey and the App. If I choose the obvious option, ‘Interior blind IO’ it briefly brings up thre TaHoma Switch screen then announces 'No new devices have been found, even though I had pressed the ‘Open for registration’ button on the wall switch.
What am I doing wrong?

Just try different device options. No need to press any buttons on the switch.
If you can’t find a driver then open the app settings page, select the Detected tab and Get Devices button, then Send Log.

Thanks for the help Adrian, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to chage anything. My lack of understanding of the interfacing doesn’t help! :thinking:
The actions I have taken so far are:Open Homey, select new device, select Somfy TaHoma & Connexoon, Choose one of (velux interior blind IO, velux roller shutter or velux roof window). In each case it produces a connect button briefly and then the ‘No New Devices have been Found’ page.
I have previously installed the TaHoma switch and android App, but cannot get the app to correctly recognise the blind, it just goes into a 10min timer and asks for the key. Conversations with Somrey tell me I need a security key which means nothing to me. Does it to you?. The ironic thing is that a somfy venetian blind installed straight off and shows in your diagnostic data I sent through. Does the diagnostic data open any other options to work through?
log 998291710 applies

The device has to be added via the Somfy Tahoma app before it can be added to Homey.
It sounds like you haven’t managed to do that?
When a device is paired, a secret key is exchanged so the device is locked into the hub and can’t be controlled by anything else. Has the blind been added to another hub at some point?

Ah! Yes it has, Prior to attempting to migrate to Tahoma switch and Homey I had the 5 blinds controlled by Velux App Control. That has been uninstalled but as you imply will have left some detritus behind. Is there a way of cleaning it up?

Maybe something like this will help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPJsDK2htGs

Brilliant, I will speak to Velux and see if they can , now I have a theory to work on. Many thanks J

@Adrian_Rockall since yesterday my tahoma connection fails and repairing the connection also seems to fail, any idea what it could be?

I’m not aware of any issues. I presume Homey has an Internet connection?
Could you open the app settings and send the information log.

Logout in the app and then Reboot the app fixed the issue for me, i did change some vlans in my network a few days ago so it could be that my tahoma got a different ip

Thank you for letting me know. Glad it’s working again.

Same issue here some days. SAVE credentials without any change did the trick for me.

Additional question related to the app versions;

The landing page of the app says:

Versie 4.0.81 — Added ‘Zigbee:SomfyRollerShadeComponent’ to ‘Roller shutter (io & Zigbee)’

In the change log it says:

20 Jul 2024
testAdded ‘io:GateOpenerIOComponent’ to new ‘Positionable Gate (io)’
17 May 2024
Added Nudge Flow action for RTS blinds. Added Position capability to io:SlidingGateOpenerIOComponent.
15 May 2024
Added ‘io:SlidingGateOpenerIOComponent’ to ‘Sliding gate (io)’
14 Apr 2024
Added ‘Zigbee:SomfyRollerShadeComponent’ to ‘Roller shutter (io & Zigbee)’

Now running the test version (4.0.84) as I was told to test/use because of the added device (gate motor) some time ago.

Which version is now the latest public?
Can I switch to that version and leave the test version for what it is?


Hi Adrian, I now have my Velux blinds installed and working, so thatnks for all your work and advice. All the problems you may have seen me having were down to my ISP changing my hub to factory settings without telling me!

This is why I since day one use my own hardware, upto modem etc. Won’t allow idiots to change my situ.

Glad it worked out for you.

I have now update the first post in this topic.

The current live version is 4.0.81, so yes, you can install that version over the top of you test version to move back to the live.

Hi Adrian, i just recently got a tahoma switch, screens , sunis i/o and eolis wirefree.
I installed the sunis and the screens without any issues, only there are no values coming through to the homey sunis i/o. Its all works fine in the tahoma , lux values are visible but not in the homey sunis. Any ideas?