[APP][Cloud & Pro] Somfy Tahoma & Connexoon (v4.0.81, test v4.0.84)

Have you tried restarting the app?

Do you have developer mode enabled in your Somfy account?

If you have a Homey Pro, could you open the app settings page and tap on the Information Log tab, then enable the log and wait for a few minutes. Hopefully the log should show some activity and once there is a good amount of data, tap on the Send button.

Hi Adrian,
I just restarted the app.
I don’t have developer mode enabled, should I?
Information log is running…send you some data soon after this…

Hi Adrian,
Restarted the app did the trick! :grinning: thx for the tip.

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If you have a Homey Pro then enabling the Developer mode allows local access to the Tahoma box. That means it polls every 3 seconds instead of 30 seconds, so faster response to sensors. Also, the connection is less reliant on the Internet as it only needs that to refresh the access token once a month.

Hi Adrian, first time poster here! Thanks for all your efforts, greatly appreciated!

I’m using the Tahoma Connectivity Kit (so no Developer Mode unfortunately) for my two Somfy IO sunshades. I have them working in the sense that I can move them up and down, but whenever I try to get the MY Position I get an error saying “Request failed with status code 400”. Is this due to the fact that I don’t have developer mode enabled?

I did enable the Event Log and I think that’s what is now allowing my advanced flow (which is checking the state) to finish, which is all I ever wanted :slight_smile:

Enabling the event log won’t affect the flow, but it would be useful if you could send it so I can check it.

Just for information hoping to help someone:
As of yesterday I can proudly announce that I successfully connected my Velux GPU MK08 006621 window and it’s SMH MK08 0000S shutter to the Somfy Tahoma Switch and then to Homey via the app discussed in this topic “Somfy TaHoma & Connexoon”

If someone wants more detailled information, let me know.

What I do already want to mention now is that I was not able to connect the windows to the “Somfy TaHoma Connectivity Kit” parallel with my original Velux remotes Velux Touch - KLR 300 and KLI 313 and KLI 311.
Neither Somfy nor Velux could explain why that would not work but I am quite certain I can say I tried absolutely everything.
With the Somfy TaHoma Switch instead it worked basically right away like expected - just the sequence of the sharing of the security key had to be specific - first TaHoma, then KLR 300, then KLI 313 and KLI 311.
Anyway I thereby realised, that the developer mode / local API was only supported by the Switch and NOT by the Connectivity Kit - considering, that this was a must have for me, I was not too bothered to have changed from the Connectivity Kit to the Switch.

At first glance it seems that unfortunately there is no “WHEN rain detector detected rain”-card in the app and I do not know whether that is impossible (because the interface does not provide this event) or whether it theoretically is a feature that could be provided in the future.

In any case I want to send my biggest thanks from germany to @Adrian_Rockall for your great work!! Please let me know how I can donate a beer or two :slight_smile:

Does the rain sensor appear as a separate device?

unfortunately no. I also tried to add a separate device of the category “Water sensor” - but the response is “No [(additional)] device found”

Sorry I should have been more specific as I meant in the Tahoma system.

Can you check if you have a trigger card for “The defect state changed”?
If it is there, it should trigger when it starts to rain and passes the text in the tag, which you can check with a Logic AND card.
You should also be able to see the defect state text in the device.
If it’s not there, could you send me the Detected Log from the app settings page.

oh wow! That just may be it.
Even though I think you mean “The lock state changed” instead of “The defect state changed”.

I did not check the example value of “Lock State” (wind). It seems plausible that another “Lock State” might be “rain”. I will set up a flow and wait for rain to see whether / which lock state it triggers.

Thank you very much!

A command completed
The Lock State Changed
The state changed

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We had a discussion on this forum in Nov-Dec 2023 about Lock state. Although I have set up flows to react when lock state changed, it has never worked for me.
IF it would work for you with rain, I’d be interested to know how you got it to work!

Will do. Just gotta wait for rain. So far nothing in sight… :sun_with_face:

Well, that came faster as expected. I can report about yesterday nights rain shower.

Unfortunately the “lock” attribute of the window-device did not change one bit. It stayed empty before and after and generally.

Very unexpected was that the Tahoma app actually showed the windows to be open even though they were already automatically closed by the rain sensor.
When I realized it’s raining I checked the app and was shocked to see that they are supposedly still open, so I checked the reality, but indeed they were actually closed.
And also after several minutes. So the status of the automatically closed window did not even reflect in the Tahoma app!

For testing purposes I then tried to open the window with the Tahoma app. Then appeared a error message “Due to security reasons the window cannot be opend” (more or less). A few moments after that apparently the status of the windows in the Tahoma app was refreshed, as they then correctly showed, that they are closed (equals reality).
I tried that several times always with the same (correct) error message in the Tahoma app.

Then I tried to open the window with Homey. There unfortunately was no error message, the status of the opening percentage just jumped back to 0% (closed) after a while.

Afterwards I tried a homey flow to open the windows. And there was actually a relatively problematic behaviour: The card “Set position to 100%” (open) did not go down the “error-route” - which I expected with a similar message like in the Tahoma app “For security reasons […]”.

So well… I guess for me there are two topics to be discussed:

  1. Does Tahoma not return the error message (like it shows itself in their app) when trying to open the window? And if so, could it be integrated in the Homey-App?
  2. Is there really no (other) way to determine whether the window closed automatically? If Point 1. would be resolved then theoretically one could at least have a flow that triggers e.g. every 15 minutes to check for a returning error message when trying to open the window and therefore knowing that apparently it’s raining? Not optimal, but better then nothing…

Could you open the app settings page and select the Information Log tab, then enable the Log. When you get rain try to open the window and then send the log. If anything is reported I can hopefully act on it.

Good discussion happening here, just addded a Tohoma bridge myself with Velux sky lights. Right now I have it setup to get an stopped raining event from my weather station to open the window again after the rain is done. That seems to work.
The locked state thing was on my: what is it supposed todo list.

roger. Log is enabled. Now waiting for the next rain shower. Thanks in advance!

Yeah of course with a external weather station that’s a way to go. Just wanted to avoid that.

Wow, what a coincidence. It just started raining… Same thing. Tahoma and homey showed the window as open even though it was closed automatically due to the rain.
I then tried opening the window via homey.
So I sent the log 283454001.
Curious if you can find anything of interest.

Well that’s disappointing as the commands just fail with an unknown error.
I will ask around to see if anyone knows how to get some better information.