[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Could be cold but could also be a range problem.

Does the led blink when you press the button?

If it doesn’t blink at all obviously the battery or the sensor is dead. It can be due to frost between the contacts and the battery. Leave it without battery until it is on room temp and the moist is gone and try again.

It should blink twice to indicate it is (still) connected to a controller. And it also should update the readings if it is in reach of the controller.
If it blinked twice and didn’t update, bring it closer to Homey and try it again.

If it blinks once, there is something wrong and i am afraid that the only way to use it again is remove and re-add it to Homey.

thanks…it was working after defrost and remove moisture in normal temperature :slight_smile:

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nope still using my original adapter for 4 jears now :grinning:

Is there a way to get the Aqara double switch to reconnect to homey without having to remove it? re-adding is not the problem, but having to rebuild the flows is so annoying.

every now and then one of the two switches (both sides of the bed 1x double switch) stop functioning. This happens after a normal homey restart. Theres Ikea zigbee spots in all rooms of the house, including bedroom. they are always powered. i ‘‘cant’’ simply believe this is a Zigbee mesh problem.

I have added the smart plug but I don’t get any energie valeus out of it?

It seems that its problem of Aqara and Homey compatibility, maybe linked to zigbee issue. I had exactly the same problem with aqara switch, I replaced it with Fibaro dimmer (I dont have N wire in one room).

i dont have any wires next to my bed. i want to be able to on/off lights, as well as dim to 50% for evening reading.

Secondary i also open/close curtains in the same room when required. Although they are also timed.

Any recommendation for an alternative Z wave button? i would need two.

its sad that i have to replace one with another for a reliable solution.

I think everyone on the forum understands that if the switch is also used by the wife, its absolutely neccecary to work hassle free :slight_smile:

Can’t you use the cube for this? Size 1 up = 50% , side 2 = 100% , what ever you like. Turning means relative dim up and down…

Certainly. but the cube is Aqara zigbee, exact same as my wall switches (laying flat on my night shelf) . The problem is that they ocasionally stop communicating. I’m just annoyed by it but obviously the girlfriend wants to get rid of it.

Make sure you add a Zigbee repeater in case the switches don’t work.
Typically any 230V powered Zigbee device is a repeater, like an Ikea smart plug for instance. Or any other brand smart plug, or lamps, etc…

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Hi Henk.

My first floor consists of a small hallway with 4 Zigbee spots directly connected to homey.
we have three rooms attached all with at least 2 zigbee spots, but most have four.
They are always active. all of these are connected to 220VAC, this automatically also means they are a repeater, correct?

Yes, they are.
As long as they’re not powered off by a traditional switch.
You might wanna check https://developer.athom.com/tools/zigbee for how your Zigbee network is performing amd if a mesh is made.
(please wait a few minutes after opening the url. It takes some while before it shows the mesh…

It shows just the routes, not the mesh.

Well, you know what I mean, don’t you?!

I’d love support for the Aqara zigbee relay as well. This would be great to power and switch devices that need a seperate push button switch.

We’ll love is in the air; the Aqara relay is already supported :wink:

Oh wow, I checked the Homey Apps page to check if it was between the supported product images but didn’t see it there.

Awesome that you guys fixed this. Thanks for all your efforts.

9 posts were split to a new topic: Aqara B1 Curtain Controllers on a U track

Ik have a number of WSDCGQ11LM sensors, and they ALL (except the one that is located < 1 m from my Homey) loose the connection to my Homey within a couple of days.

I have INNR SP120 (Zigbee, act as routers) throughout my house, so I expect that the Aqara Temp sensors would use those router devices to connect to homey. All sensors connect to Homey directly :frowning:

Not sure what I’m doing wrong…any tips?

A lot of people automatically reboot their Homey daily to work around issues like this. Perhaps the combination between INNR and Xiaomi isn’t a good one, you could try to add some other router devices from different brands (like an IKEA repeater; I don’t have an active INNR devices but my Xiaomi sensors don’t have issues routing through IKEA devices).