[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Thanks for the link to the square (Xiaomi) one.

I was actually looking for a shop that is able to deliver the Aqara one (in reasonable time)… since I already received contributions for the Aqara. Yet these are harder to find and the Russian site is not an option…

This app only supports the Zigbee based devices. If you’re able to retrieve the URL of the image, it should be possible to use webrequests with the camera; there are examples shared on this forum (other topics).

Thanks @Caspie! Much appreciated!

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Thx Ted! I would rather have the round Aqara one too. When I find another store to sell them, I’ll let you know.
The Russian site seems ok too though. The guys on Homekitnews have ordered there too. But I understand your hesitation…

I have a G2 cam too. This support would be great! The G2 is said (by Aqara itself) to get NAS support by a firmware update, but still no news there.
I support NAS support would make things easier, right…?

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Hello, I’m coming to you because I have a little problem.
I have two types of Aqara switches (with and without neutral)
Wall switches with neutral works great
Wall switches without neutral operate randomly.
When the switch is activated by the button, the state of the button goes up immediately.
When I activate the switch via Homey, I regularly get a timeout error.

I just tested a switch with the Mi Home app and its hub, and the problem does not happen again.

Do you have an idea of the problem?

On the Zigbee network, I currently have 26 equipment.

thank you

it seems I have the same problem with adding new aqara devices as here .

Have you solved it somehow?
I have created an issue in github with other details 20 days ago, but have not received any reply yet. :frowning:
Thank you

I think that the module is already registered but that it does not appear. I don’t know how to repair or synchronize the Zigbee network

Did you try to put the switch next to the Homey?

I have several Aqara wall plugs (Chinese version) that have been working at home for weeks with $1 adapters, and perfectly compatible with Homey. Some have a device plugged into them, others just to make a mesh repeater. What’s the problem?

Hi AdrianLiteAuto,
Yes I confirm what you say, same experience for me last week-end … No problem to include all other types of Aqara sensors but the shock sensors are really hard to pair. Led is blinking two times indeed and not three times and it fails with time-out. However if you insist repeatedly pressing each two seconds on the button it works in the end. I paired three of them successfully the process being largely random unfortunately; If someone gets an explanation or a more reliable procedure, I would be interested to know as well; Many thanks

I also had a lot and a lot of difficulties with this vibration sensor, exactly same problems as you. But after about ten attemps, it worked!
Try this next time: go near your Homey (very near, 10 cm), then press the button 3-5 seconds until the first blue flash, and directly after the first flash of the blue led, release the button. Then press the button about every 5 seconds until the sensor is added.
Don’t misunderstand me: this sensor has a very clear problem in its design or programming, it’s not at all normal to have to do this!

I received an Aqara vibration sensor just last week, pairing went fine and I didn’t have to keep it close to the controller (which isn’t Homey). So perhaps the clear problem in its design or programming has been fixed, or there’s something else at fault here.

I received it also last week on Thursday, thus it should probably be from same stock/version; Apparently something with a more recent generation of this type of sensor because I didn’t read anything specific about this on Forums. I am awaiting two additional Vibration/Shock sensors; I was also (as Picsou621) pairing the sensors being close from Homey before installing them at their location (I read It was good practice to do that, then the ZigBee mesh network would reconfigure as needed), it was not enough because the pairing process still fails with time-out; Also if you manage to trigger the recognition of the sensor in Homey, it doesn’t guarantee you the process will end successfully. It is really proceeding with trial and error until it succeeds ;-( Anyway, I will try what Picsou621 says and will let you know about the outcome.

I have a year old Aqara vibration sensors, and pairing also went just fine. I think the problem isn’t with the sensor, but the amount of Zigbee devices. The more Zigbee devices I try to register, the harder it gets to get it installed (does not matter what device). Eventually Homey won’t accept any new devices. My Zigbee pile is now fully saturated with 30 devices. (4 of them are routers), and I cant register new ones.

Homey has a hardware limit of about 20 directly connected devices. Sadly, you can’t force devices to connect through a router instead of with Homey directly, so the only way to fix your mesh is to remove a number of end devices (battery powered) from Homey, replace them with additional routers, and add the end devices back again from the location you intent to use them (so not close to Homey). That way, you have a bigger chance of the device connecting through a router (in my experience some devices, mostly Xiaomi Aqara, seems to have a preference to “stick” with the router that they got initially paired with, even if that router isn’t the most obvious choice w.r.t. distance).

I would probably add at least 5 more router devices.

I only have 14 directly connected devices, I also think the Innr sp120 smart plugs have a limit of 4 devices, looking at the Zigbee nodes:

Anyhow, it’s okay for now. Hope the “Zigbee rewrite” will improve things. :rofl:

Thanks, @Gilly_Wings!
Yes, I have tried adding the switch to Homey in different distances (few cm, half meter, 1 or 2 meters).
There are nearly 20 aqara wall switches working as routers and 2 end devices (also aqara) in the homey zigbee network and all of them have worked flawless so far. But now I want to add few new devices but Homey just does not want to add any of them :frowning:.
I have no idea what to do…

You did read the post of Robert just before yours? About 20 directly connected devices?
So if you already have nearly 20 switches connected directly to Homey that limit is probably reached already…

Hey, hey! Why is that? :rage:
Seriously, Can I send you one?
Please pm mailing address.
PS And thanks again for all your great work

Robert was talking about directly connected devices. A router can route more devices to Homey.

Afaik a router only routes end devices. So 20 wired switches is 20 directly connected devices to Homey…

Routers can also route other routers :slight_smile: However, a router can connect to multiple other routers, so it can be connected to another router and Homey.

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