[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

I think I already answered your question… :relaxed:
Or I don’t understand it…

I do count 2 options for OFF “Zet uit” the relay…

I think we are not understanding each other.

Where do I find these flow cards:

“Zet aan (linker schakelaar)”
“Zet uit (linker schakelaar)”

Could it be that - because I only have connected L and N and left the RED wire as it arrived, but without a load / other connections the relay behaves like this?)

See my response above… already answered…

As direct response:
“Zet aan” = “Zet aan (linker schakelaar)”
“Zet uit” = “Zet uit (linker schakelaar)”

Ie. “Switch on” / “Switch off” is controlling the left relay, “Switch on (right switch)” / “Switch off (right switch)” is controlling the right relay

Insights behind the answer:
The current Zigbee implementation does not support multiChannelNodes, like Z-wave does… So I’m not able to make a child devices for the second switch. The left switch uses the default trigger cards, for the right switch I need to use custom trigger cards.

Now I understand!

Thanks again Ted!

In my experience after the 0.6.0 and 0.6.1 updates my Aqara body sensors seem waaaay less responsive.

I tried a homey reboot but without succes. It is not that some sensors are consequent offline. But more that some sensors report motion for 10 minutes and then half an hour nothing with the same amount of motion around them. After that they pick up again for some time. And so on. Anyone else experiencing this issue?

Great thank you very much. I didnt find Toggle on/off for second channel in the Flow nevertheless I could program the same under the virtual device created as a second channel.
Only one more small question, is there any way to change the icon of the device? I have light connected to relay and unlike other lights I have different icon. But this is no big issue. In this matter i want to ask the purpose of the possibility to select the plugged device as Light etc. Many thanks

My vibration sensor is still dead after 0.6.0 and even wake up can not solve it… I will investigate more time over the weekend to evaluate the background.

I have a question about the 2-way relay Aqara LLKZMK11LM.

It is not about the use of the App, but how to use it as a potential free relay. If you use it to switch 230 v lights, it should be connected like this:

In my case I want to be able to switch potential free; so basically closing or opening the relay without it being loaded with 230v.

What is the best way to do so?

Judging by that schematic, you can’t, because the internal relays are switching the L(ive) feed. Also see this post on the Hubitat forum, specifically this quote: “The input mains is NOT isolated from the relay contacts. So if you need to close contacts for lower voltages, you will need to close a secondary relay that has an activation coil of the same voltage as the input voltage.”

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Thank you!

Did some testing myself. Not being an electrician, I was not very comfortable doing so. But, I guess I have an answer.

I connected the first two connectors to mains 230v and left the red wire connected between two and 3.

I used a multimeter to measure between the still not used IN (fourth from the left connector) and the L1.

Switching the relay via Homey to on/off I measured NO voltages on these two connectors (multi meter set to AC and 500v range). After setting the meter to DC and 20 volt range still no voltage detected in ON or OFF.

Now I switched the multimeter to measure resistance (ohm). With Homey switching the relay ON and Off, I see the meter responding from 1 (on state) to 0 (off state).

To me that means it is switching potential free. Or, I am doing something wrong?

IN and L1 will probably be connected by the relay, so they are at the same voltage level (a multimeter measures voltage difference). You need to measure the voltage between N and L1 in both cases (on/off).

Thanks for your patience, Robert!

Measuring between N en L1 returns 230v in ON state (and 0v in Off state). So, you are absolutely correct!

What if I ‘mis-use’ port IN and L; on/off is switchable via Homey. Would that no just be a ‘dry’ contact?

And, to stress your patience, what is the RED connector for…? Why is that removable?

Remove the red jumper and you have 2 potential free contacts!

Rem: Both IN terminals are internal connected, so this is the common for both contacts.

“Okay, more testing and a
!!! WARNING!!!
with only N and L connected to mains voltage and jumper removed, when the relay is switched on there is 120 volts at L1 or L2 depending which relay is energized”

I don’t understand: both IN and L are inputs, no switching occurs between those two.

According to this, it may be required to get the full current to the relay contacts.

A possible solution for what you’re trying to do is mentioned here: use the Aqara device to switch another relay. That relay’s output would be potential-free.

Weird, isn’t it!
I hear a loud click in the relay and I see the resistance go from 0 to 1 whilst switching.
I am talking about using connection 4 and 5 (from left to right).

My brother has more knowledge of relais and will pop over Friday. Let’s see if he ca shed some light on this issue!

If you mean 0 to 1 ohms, it’s a dead short (both are connected). An increase from 0 to 1 is not significant.

L is Line (fase)
N is Neutral (nul)
IN and IN are the Common of the relay contacts, connected to each-other
L1 is Line out from Relay-1 to the Load-1
L2 is Line out from Relay-2 to the Load-2
S1 is input from switch-1 (the other side of the switch is connected to Line )
S2 is input from switch-2 (the other side of the switch is connected to Line )

The red link is to provide the Line voltage to both the IN and the L connector.

Thanks guys!

My brother was able to explain it to me. He too mentions ‘dead short’ and agrees the Aqara is not a potential free relais, due to the disign of the devise (transistor?).

We compared it to a Fibaro FGS-222 and that indeed is a true potential free relais, if the Common (= IN) is not connected with the L(ive):


Guess I will need to find another solution than the (cheaper) Aqara relais tot have a potential free relay.

Again, thanks for your hep and patience! Appreciated!

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