[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Hi Ted. Many thanks for the double relay done. I know you will enable flows for both channels soon however is there any way to create “duplicate” device. I refer also to Google Home when it synchronizes only one device which means it will always control only one channel. Do you see any way? Thanks anyway.

Check who he was responding to. Try to wake up the vibration sensor by pressing the button 1 time.
When updating the app / Homey, this occasionally happens.

Not in the current Zigbee core. Unlike Z-wave, Zigbee does not support multi channel nodes.
Best option is to create a virtual switch and link it to the second switch through flows (once the app is updated to fix the mentioned issue)

Good tip. Thank you

Version v0.6.1 has been released to the app store, waiting for Athoms approval, fixing the missing flow card conditionad and actions for the Aqara Relay device:

Update on the contributions received; the first goal in reach

  1. Add support for the Aqara B1 Curtain Controller : contributions received 92,50 out of target of 110 euro
    Mentioning specifically the B1 curtain controller:

    Not mentioning specifically the B1 curtain controller (allocated to the first target):

  2. Add support for the Aqara roller curtain controller : 80 euro

@TedTolboom Donated 17,50 :wink:

Thanks again @Homey_Lampje :partying_face:

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Update on the contributions received; the first goal in reach

  1. Add support for the Aqara B1 Curtain Controller : contributions received for first goal!
    Mentioning specifically the B1 curtain controller:

    Not mentioning specifically the B1 curtain controller (allocated to the first target):

  2. Add support for the Aqara roller curtain controller : Contributions received for 20 euro out of the target of 80 euro

Anybody interested and willing to contribute in adding support for the Aqara roller curtain controller?


Since the 0.6.0 update I have to reboot homey several times a day. All the Xiaomi stuff is unresponsive and other zigbee devices are unresponsive as well.
I’m not sure if the update causes these problems, but I’m encountering these issues since Thursday, the day the app got its update.
Tried ptp (30 mins) already, and changed the power supply.
Am I the only one? Or does anyone having these same symptoms?

Did you include the Aqara Relay to your Homey?

Nope. Just motion, temperature and door sensors. Oh and some powersockets.

Hi, my app Xiaomi zigbee 0.6.0 has crashed this morning. I added relay yesterday.

Received the crash reports from you @Daniel_S.
Will include a fix, lifeline report parser trying to parse malformed data, in the v0.6.1 update of the app.

@Daniel_S these issues are fixed in the v0.6.1 release currently available on GitHub.

I’ve updated the app update on the app store, while still waiting for approval of Athom, to include this fix. Added item to the changelog:

  • Fix issues where the lifeline reportParser is causing a crash of the app
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Thanks for your job.

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Thank’s a lot for the update on vibration sensor in insights Ted! Very much appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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v0.6.1 is available in the app store.


Thanks for adding the relay!
I have included mine, and it shows as one device.
That devise has the following flow actions:

Sorry for asking this, where to find the second switch?
I only have 1 device and the flow options do not show Left / Right or Switch 1 and Switch 2. If I open the device in the Android App, I do see ‘switch 1’ and ‘switch 2’ available in settings.

One flow with in THEN the “Zet uit” (read for the left switch) & “Zet uit (rechter schakelaar)” action cards?

Thanks for answering while I was still correcting my spelling :wink:
In the THEN section the relay only shows these options:

So, only 1 option to OFF the relay. Not two (L and R)