[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Interesting @JPe4619
Is that wifi module controllable via Homey?

Hmm. I thought this thread was about Xiaomi/Aqara & Zigbee… :thinking:

I was about to make the same comment… thanks @PetervdK

So is it allowed to start new threads about devices for which an existing app thread exists? Used to be that you got told by mods to “Please ask your question in the Xiaomi Aqara thread” and the thread got closed. We’re having a conversation about a Xiaomi device that veered off into off-topic territory (because yes, that happens), so should the discussion be broken off into a new thread in the middle of the conversation?

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Point taken.

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I was referring to the banggood wifi module…

Yes, that’s still part of the conversation that we were having about a potential-free relay module (that started with the Aqara LLKZMK11LM, which turned out not to be potential-free).

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A minor update has been released to the app store, waiting for Athom’s approval, fixing the logging of some incorrect temperature data.


And a big thank you to you, Robert. Your comment was a great help!

Hi ted

After latest update my aqara temp sensor ( incl pressure ) acts weird. It spikes to 23.01 degrees all the time. It does this next to my good old 433 temp sensor ( next to each other for testing ).

Also the weird thing is that i have it to 1 decimal in settings … and the spike is to 23.01

Before the latest update i did not have this issue

@Dennis_H74 that should be fixed in version 0.6.2 (awaiting Athom’s approval to hit the app store)

Top :+1:

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Still waiting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Guess what?


just got released to the store.


I recently received my Xiaomi door sensor and installed it immediately. Unfortunately, I don’t get any alarms anymore. I did when I just paired the devices and also after re-pairing it.
But after a short period, Homey stops receiving alarms. It could be the distance, since the sensor is on a different floor and the other side of the house, but it’s not shown as unavailable in Homey.

I just checked the developer tools and it shows a direct connection from Homey to the sensor (I don’t have any 230V-devices, so no mesh network).
I also noticed Insights only shows the option to show the battery status. No overview of triggered alarms.

It most probably distance issue. Buy cheap ikea zigbee plug to be used as a router, or move Homey closer.

I have the same issue with my vibration sensor. After the update it is not working any more. It had a direct connection to homey… if I put it next to Homey, it is working if I put it back to my post box, it is not working. Before the update it was working without an issue. Strange.

But shouldn’t Homey mark the device as unavailable then?

I believe that is only with Z-Wave, not with Zigbee.