[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

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Aqara recently released the firmware update that exposes their water leak sensors via matter from their M2 hub. Exposed my M2 Hub via matter and successfully added water leak sensors to HomeyPro BUT they only show up as battery cards available. SIGH. So much for getting ones hopes up LOL

My experience with the T1 sensors is that they are more reliable than the older ones.

I have Ikea bulbs and outlets too, and since I connected the bulbs to the Ikea Gateway (so not to Homey), the older Aqara have a much more reliable connection too.

I read a lot of reports here about Aqara in combination with Ikea bulbs, but not in combination with Ikea outlets…

You can hope and “sigh” what you want, by only assuming things you will get disappointed many times in life :wink::smiling_face:
When I read the info about current Matter supported devices, I can’t discover water leak / flood sensors:

Batteries are supported apparently :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Longpress tile @ mobile app, and tap := ?

You can check the app store for default flow cards

Only custom flow cards aren’t shown in general.

Hello everyone,

Do you know if these devices were on the Aqara team’s integration roadmap?

  • P2 Motion and Light Sensor
  • Smoke Detector

If yes, do you know when?

Thanks for your reply.

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Are there people succesfully using the Aqara Light Sensor T1 (GZCGQ11LM)?

I have two of these, but pairing is extremely hard (if succeeded at all, mostly pairing times out) and if I do succeed in this, the sensor doesn’t update any data.

I tried new batteries and pairing them close to homey, but both did not help.
Any idea anyone?

I am using this sensor (I don’t know what the product ID is). I had no issues pairing it.

In Homey it presents itself with the following info:

EDIT - Found the product ID on the invoice: LM-GZCGQ11LM.

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That is a good question, not when rather IF. I do agree with you, Valve Controller T1, is extremely interesting device due to reason they are very rare to find in general. This one being on ZigBee could be potential fit for this app. I do hope it will be technically feasible and that it will be higher on the priority list however usually this kind of things can take months to get included if they get priority.

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I also have high hopes for a Smoke Detector support!:crossed_fingers:

Hi Ronald,

Did you manage to get this Aqara smokedetector working?

If I understood well, the non-Honeywell version of the Aqara smokedetector is not compatible. I didn’t see you follow up on your post.

BR Danny

NB sorry for the 1st try in Dutch

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Matter] Aqara Matter bridges


I have a question

How often can this sensor report lux ?
What interval ?

Between 1 and 59 seconds after a change in brightness. Mine is set to 30 seconds (default interval).

Thanks for the info :+1:

Hi Ted, we have some Problems with the E1 Thermostates , see also thread

the latest update for the external temperature flowcard change does not work reliable and is randomly reset to internal. Me and another User noticed that: Quote:
update for today, we had a small power blackout in town (which is unusual) but after homey reboots all of my 6 E1 with the external temperature setting “lost” this setting again.
the setup of the devices RAMAIN in external status but it does not work and the error message of the flow card say: “the sensor type for the thermostat is currently set to internal, please change the device setting first” so i have to set it back to internal and afterwards back to external and then it will work again… very annoying





Update as of today. The flow card works perfectly, but when the Homey restarts or there is something that causes a disconnect from the thermostat to the Homey, the setting reverts to internal sensor (setting in Homey stays on external but after an interview of the device Internal comes back on).
So can you add a flow card that makes it possible to change (force) the setting to external?

So when the change temp card fails we can add a change setting command?


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Hi Danny,

Welcome to the community!

And to answer your question, no it is not recognised yet. Homey has no clue what to do with it, bu does see it is a Zigbee device.

We are depending on volunteers to add it.
Unfortunately I can’t do it myself. (Or at least I never tried…)
So, wait, or … request again?
Or buy another brand, that is already supported.



How can I help you to include Valve Controller T1?

You are replying here in the topic about tha Aqara Zigbee app…
This is off-topic here and there is a topic for it so I am going to move it there.

[Matter] Aqara Matter bridges