[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

@Trond_Nordfjaern Have you got any response about T1 door sensors? I reported 14 days ago and have not heard a thing. I am used to way faster responses over the years.

Please fix the e1 external temp issue… Its so annoying :slightly_frowning_face:

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No issues with door sensors (do not have the T1 for those but the older type). Regarding the water sensors they asked me to do standard things such as reinstalling firmware and to report the n of devices in developer tools etc. Did not bother to do that as of yet.

No exact problem. I don’t own any Aqara products.

However almost every Aqara product that I have researched on this forum that I would like to buy, seems to have existing issues with this Homey integration.

Aside from the Tuya integration, this app seems to be the one I see with the most prevalent issues and it’s put me off buying Aqara for the time being.

A side point. I own about 20 Eve products and ALL of them work flawlessly with Homey.
Not a single issue since I installed them.

I have a few Aqara devices and can’t complain so far. Guess one gets a slightly one sided impression as properly only people with problems post and the happy ones not.

Hi All,

Has anyone T1 door sensors installed? Work fine, shall I deploy some? Is it advised to use?

Am using sensors which report as lumi.sensor_magnet.aq2 in homey. Can’t complain. Bought them beginning of last year.

I think it’s the old one, not the T1. (Blue box instead of nude)

Is a dev here? E1 external temp is still broken

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So you don’t own them, don’t use them but you have a clear opinion based on experiences from (some) others?
Strange. I have dozens of aqara devices (sensors and switches) and besides some minor issues they work fine…



I have a request for the developers (thanks for all the efforts!!!), I hope this is in the right group because I don’t see/find a button for a new request/topic in the “Aqara App group”. (how to suggestions are welcome).

I’m in possession of two Cubes T1 Pro and I would like to compare them within a flow. For example “IF Cube 1 = side 6 AND Cube 2 = Side 3 then do whatever”.

At this moment only the “IF’s” are supported. I work with variables which works but it would be nice if there is a possibility to work with an AND function as well (and variables like which side is up etc) so I can get rid of selfmade variables.

So my question/request is: Can you create this?

Greetings, Leliekevertje

You’re just proving my point.
I don’t have time for minor issues these days, I just want all the devices that I buy to work, indefinitely with Homey.

Besides Tuya devices that I’m slowly moving away from, every other device I have connected to Homey, never fail and never have major or minor issues.

Hi! Tried searching for this in the thread, but the “in-thread”-search function doesn’t seem to work. I just bought the Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensor T1 to use with my Aqara Thermostat E1. Struggled a bit adding the T1, but after a couple of tries (one of them using the Xiaomi-version) I finally was able to add the correct “T1” version of the unit. But I’m not getting any data from the sensor (see attached image). It’s been an hour since I added it. Does it take longer maybe or is something else wrong? I have the Homey Pro (2016) with version 12.3.1 installed + the newest version of the Aqara app (v1.12.2). The Thermostat has been working fine for a couple of months.

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Not sure whether it’s an Aqara app or Homey pro thing. Just noticed all my Aqara devices (don’t have other zigbee battery devices) display „unknown battery type“. Zwave devices are okay.
Running homey pro on 12.3.1 and Aqara app 1.12.2
Restarting the app didn’t change anything

Same issue here and only with Aqara sensors. Battery type is shown as unknown (‘Onbekende batterij’):

@TedTolboom: do you expect this to be a Homey or Aqara app issue?

All the Aqara devices have the required “energy”/“batteries” objects defined, which is validated prior to releasing the app updates. I’ll clarify with Athom dev’s where this is goes wrong.


Just for info @TedTolboom: It seems that all Zigbee battery devices are involved, not just Aqara Zigbee devices.

Hello Leliekevertje,

You are supposed to use logic cards as AND cards, in case an app doesn’t provide for them. All device info is available in so called tags (= variables controlled by apps), which you can use in comparisons / calculations.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your reply. I am familiar with the working with logic variables. My current solution is based on logic variables. The “problem” is that I had to build six different cards (side 1…6), for example if side 3 is up, than variable gets value 3 etc. This times two because I have 2 cubes. In another flow I can compare (AND) the sides with the variables. The tags you mentioned, are only available in the THEN (I can only use this for messages).

As you hopefully understand, this could be much easier if the Aqara App supports the Cube T1 Pro “AND cards”. Thats why I made the earlier request.

Does your answer mean, you don’t consider to build my request?

Thanks anyway!

Any updates on adding support for the U100 lock?