[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

Is there any news or timings for a solution on this issue?


I have bought a couple of aqara wxkg03LM switches (wireless single rocker switches) and it seems that I can’t get it to function with double press or long press. I only get the one press to work. I have tried via scene activated and button pressed. Via scene activated I can get the 1 press working, but when I try via button pressed and use logic to select 2x pressed I only get ‘Accuniveau’ and ‘Batterij alarm’.

What am I doing wrong?

Hope to get some help, thanks guys!

There are two version of that device, the older one identifies as lumi.sensor_86sw1lu or lumi.sensor_86sw1, the newer one as lumi.remote.b186acn01.

According to this page, the latter supports double click and hold, the former only supports single click.

I don’t know if the Homey app supports double/hold for the newer version, but if your devices are the old version, that’ll be the reason why you can only select “1x ingedrukt”.

Thanks, that seems to be the problem. I have the 2016 versions :frowning:

Aqara MCCGQ14LM non reconnu…
C’est un capteur Doors and Windows

I have the same issue as you. Weirdly enough only with a few sensors.
I have 18 Aqara Zigbee end devices en some of them are losing connection or stop communication at random time frames. To make ik weirder, not all of them just a few… Positioning doesn’t make any difference because 1 sensor is right beside my Homey Pro.

So also very curious if someone with more ZigBee knowledge knows the answer to this.

Hello, I have exactly the same problem. I ended up doing a Zigbee network reset and lost hours of includes and configurations. It was useless, impossible to include any Zigbee device again… I even opened a topic here: Since last Homey Pro update, Zigbee is broken - #6 by Picsou621
Many people have been having problems for a few days, but I don’t know if it’s from the Aqara app or the latest Homey update. Personally, I’m switching everything to Z-Wave, but the devices are much more expensive unfortunately…

And how many router devices?

Exactly, try adding some routers (230V Zigbee devices).

Although it might seem that the end devices should be very well able to communicate with Homey, adding some routers often helps a lot! Speaking from experience here.

Routers don’t need to be expensive: Zigbee smart plugs i.e. can be bought in all price ranges…

23, and they are divided between my different floor levels, so that won’t be the issue I think :wink:

They are different brands tough, and I know some of them are a bit off from the ZigBee 3.0 protocol.
I have different routers from brands:

  • Aqara
  • Ikea
  • Innr
  • Philips
  • frient

Well, having only 5 routers and 18 end devices doesn’t suggest a great Zigbee network. I would suggest adding more routers, perhaps 5 more.

I said 23 :wink: so that makes another story right?

Ah okay, sorry, I thought you meant 23 devices in total :woozy_face:

In that case, you have 41 Zigbee devices, which is at the limit of what Homey can support according to Athom: “Using Zigbee routers, you can create a stable Zigbee network of around 30-40 devices with Homey”

Ah ok, that’s a bummer. I have indeed 48 devices now on ZigBee…
I thought the limit was higher than that…

Thanks for this info, going to rethink my network now.

I have even more - 69, out of which 18 are routers. Since I have performed ZigBee network reset, it’s working kind of okay and the issues I have seems to be specific devices related (eg.Xiaomi temperature sensor), but key is optimized router location.

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Hi Everyonne,

I bought a pair of Aqara H1 Double Rockers and replace my (nog smart) single rockers for the H1. It should be possible to, for example, to wire S1 (first button) and use S2 (second button) to control WiFi equipment. S2 needs to be set to ‘change switch 2 to wireless switch’ regarding the technical support of aqara, however this option/ setting is not available in Homey. Do I need to buy a Awara hub to accomplish this setting or is there another way to do? Thanks again!

Besides, if I pushed a wired button, the homey apps detect that the button is on, however after a certain time the switch is indicated as OFF in Homey while the actual switch is still ON.

I experienced the same, reduced the issue a bit by building different Zigbee networks and routers, read more in this topic

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Hi @TedTolboom I have Agara H1 no natural switch duble rocker, and if I on the switch manual, the home app not change the status. Luke like off and I push button in homey app, status change and after I can off in the app. I think it is not normal. Can you fix this?
diagnostic report:

Hi @TedTolboom,

I recently experience that my aquara water sensor is showing a water alarm. It does not trigger a flow.

Athom said it is related to the app, although the sensor perfectly shows the alarm.

This is the diagnosis report:

Can you help?

BR, Rainer

I was just yesterday testing my 4 Aquara flooding sensors because I know that battery dies and Homey, or better to say battery discharging profile specified in the app?, will always shows 100% and I can confirm that 3 sensors succefully triggered alarm after 6 months of being in “standby” - so it’s not app problem. One sensors left Zigbee mesh (without Developer interface showing any mesh inconsistencies) and I fixed it by re-adding without removal + Aquara app restart - after this fix it triggered also water alarm successfully.But who knows,maybe you have another issue and diag. report will indeed discover more.