Zigbee and maximum devices

Hi Jan and others, I faced some issues with sensors not responding. I always had several Zitbee networks in my setup. My setup contains 120 Zigbee devices.

Recently my homey zigbee network (containing some Tradfri devices and many xiaomi sensors amongst others) began hampering. Reached out to Homey and they told me that I exceeded the magic 50 zigbee devices connected to my homey.

Therefore I had to further split my Zigbee network. I shifted 9 Tradfri lamps from Homey to a 2nd Philips Hue Network.

This is how it looks now:

Protocol Type Count
Homey Zigbee Router 13
Homey Zigbee End device 34
Hue Zigbee 1 Router 38
Hue Zigbee 1 End device 4
Hue Zigbee 2 Router 9
Xiaomi Zigbee End device 22

You cannot change the Homey Zigbee channel, this is on channel 11 and I put the Hue channel manual on 20. So far no interference with my Wifi network (32 devices) and zWave network (19 devices).

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