Almost all devices, scripts and flows are unavailable after Homey update

Just did Factory Reset. When adding the Homey Pro it finds it but “No wifi network found”.
Will try adding it manually…

Nope, cannot connect.

Seems wifi of the homey got disabled?
I do have the ethernet adaptor connected though but cannot continue adding because the wizard cannot skip the wifi connection

After using the usb tool to install rc.122 my homey is up and running again. All devices back.


There were some reports that choosing different SSID for 2.4 and 5 GHz would help (didn’t have those issues myself).

If you start from scratch, you can for sure skip it.

A little hint: turn of the f… auto update. It’s better for your health :wink::upside_down_face:

I lost all of my homey scripts, too. Do you know if a new emergency patch is going to be released? I would not switch to experimental unless absolutely necessary, it’s already quite experiency :sweat_smile:

Experimental is kind of beta… it’s not Alpha or so.
You can also go back via USB upgrade if required (to stable)…but if you are afraid, then wait week or two for stable

that was one, but isn’t the fact anymore.

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After the update to 122 nothing worked. No flows and no individual devices.

A simple reboot worked for me though :person_shrugging::+1:

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I had the same this morning, all my Z-wave nodes are gone, all 30!

  • I tried to install yesterday’s backup (version 10.0.0-rc.118), but the nodes are still gone.
  • I tried to install a 2-day-old backup (version 10.0.0-rc.118), nodes are still gone
  • installed the backup from homey pro-2019 (way older version), but Homey did not come online at all.
  • Installed the most recent backup (version 10.0.0-rc.122), still no nodes.
  • Installed experimental update (version 10.0.0-rc.133). still no nodes.

I am afraid I have to reconnect everything and redo my flows. Really disappointed that the backups are not helping at all. :rage:

And do you have any HP23 backup?

All the steps where for the HP23 with cloud backup. Yesterday I have connected my HP23 to my PC performed a factory reset and reinstalled a cloud backup. Node are still gone.

I have no backup on my computer.

Can you do backup using obsolete community backup and then check devices JSON?
It might not work, last time I was using it, it didn’t backup for example all flows… but if you will get at least devices IDs, then upon pairing ZWave again, you can repair using script broken flows. Not ideal, not solution for your problem but could help a little during recovery

Btw, when restoring cloud backups, you shall see history of 7 prior backups, you can try to choose any other to see, if that will help

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I still have issue with my HomeyScript app (any many other apps).

If I reinstall the HS app do I have to re-upload my homey scripts? Or after reinstall all of my data will be there?

BTW, how can I see what is exactly the issue with the HomeyScript app. Is there any way to retrieve its logs? Or have a look at the diagnostics report?

Did an extra softboot make any change?

Only if you remove the Hscript app prior to installing it.

But you create backups up front, right? Or you have a cloud backup subscription in place, which can restore your scripts when things go not as expected.

No, softboot did not help. Funny enough, I went ahead and restored a backup to v10.0.0-rc.118 but for some reasons after I restored the system it automatically updated itself back to rc.122 - and the apps were still crashing.

So I have a backup with my scripts in the cloud, but I cannot access them due to this auto-update during restore thing.

Anyway, I raised a support ticket and hope the best. From the ten installed applications three are crashing, and unfortunately HomeScript is one of them.

Mmmzz the rc version should not be related to user data, like scripts.

I own a Pro 201x, but maybe the mechanism is the same: the cloud backup doesn’t store the firmware itself, simply the current stable or rc fw version gets installed when restoring a backup.

But you can also backup a Pro2023 to a PC. I assume the fw doesn’t get updated automatically after the restore action?
Is the auto update disabled during the backup?