AIRZONE HVAC not homeyable?

Hi all,

I did not find any app about AIRZONE

Does anyone managed to integrate it to homey in any way ?

I have found 3 ways for now, but did not make it come true yet :confused:

1/ Using home assistant to pull control in homey

2/ Using google assistant like an ifttt gateway

3/ I made a feature request here (like it !)
If any developer could check that

Make your request like me here :


Did you find any workaround to control Airzone with Homey?
I want to turn off zones if the zone terrace door is open. So when a door opening sensor gives an alert pass that to the Airzone cloud to turn the zone off.
In google assistant I can’t seem to set up an IFTT solution as it does not pull up the door opening sensors. I’m trying with where I am trying to figure out how to trigger airzone.