Hello, I’ve got a Aeotev ms7 that I can’t quite figure out, I got the temperature, lux, UV and moist to work an update frequently, they are reporting back every 5-10 minutes or so, but the motion part doesn’t detect movements, that been said, it will work the first 1-2 hours, but then it stops. I’ve fee like I’ve adjusted every parameter that is to, but nothing seems to help.
If I delete it and re pair it it will work for 1-2 hours then stop, I’ve tried pairing it unsecure and secure same results every time
This is my current setup, with the motion not working:
Which firmware is installed on the MS7?
Regarding the Aeotec support side the newest firmware version is v1.03 which solves a freeze issue with the motion sensor:
Btw, it’s possible to post all the screenshots in one post only…
hi, think I’m running on SW 1, it doesn’t say anything else, to update this I need to buy a z-stick? Or can I update this trough the homey?
I have the same problem of motion sensor not updating very frequently (like 10-15 min in between). Can it be because it’s too far to the the Homey Pro hub? All other sensor values get updated frequently though.
I have verssion 1.6.24 (latest) if I understand correctly (Firmware version: 1, Sub version: 6, FW ID: 24).
What doesn’t get updated frequently?
Is the MS powered by batteries or USB?
FW Version 1.6.24 doesn’t exist. The latest version is 1.6.7 (link).
The ”motion alert” updates infrequently. Regarding version I am only report what Homey Pro shows in device properties…
What are the settings for the motion trigger (parameter 2-4)?
Managed to solve the issue. Not Aeotec sensor issue, but Homey Pro program logic error.
Lessons learnt: Using an “ALL” gate based on “motion triggered” + “below lux value” does not yield what I thought.
Since those states technically don’t trigger at the same time, the ALL gate will never be passed, and my flow never executed.
My bad.
Thanks for helping though!
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