Aeotec TriSensor support?

Is there already support for the Aeotec Trisensor? If yes, how can i add thuis device? If no, will it be supported soon?

Thanks, i added a review to the Aeotec app with comment.

Did you get reply on trisensor support?

Anyone got a reply on this matter?

I send a request too but I fear there won’t be any movement at all:(

Also sent a request now. why isn’t this already added? it can’t be that much work when they already have an Aeotec app.

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Any update on this request? It would be great to get an idea of the timeframe, might be easier to just replace these tri-sensors with the Aeotec 6-in-1 multisensor which is supported. Thanks

Tri sensor is already supported in the latest (stable) app release 2.3.0 that was released 2 weeks ago in the stable channel, and has been in test channel even a week or so before that.

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Yes the TriSensor is included in the latest app but as I found being in Australia that the Australian ID was missing for the device hence whilst it works in some regions it does not in others.
Aeotec support has indicated that this was fixed in the current beta version 3.0.2 and should be available when Homey goes to version 5.0.0

A question regarding the Trisensor in Homey; I would like to disable the LED notification (parameter 10) and I have found the switch in the advanced menu. However, on both settings the LED notification stays on (which is a issue since the Trisensor is in a bedroom) and flashes quite bright.

Does anyone have found a solution for that or am I doing something wrong?

I’m experiencing the same and have the same question :grinning:

Does anyone know the trick or isn’t it possible at all?

Do you wake up the sensor before saving the changed settings?


hello i have one trisensor for test, but i can not set motion sensor.
i set motion retrigger time from 30 to 1 (catch each movenet not 30sec pause)
and motion clear time to 10 (turn off 10 seconds after last movement)
but after SAVE. motion sensor dont work with new times, but always with factory settings 30 and 60 seconds. i made wake up 2sec hold button red light, and also 5 sec hold button for 5min wake up yellow light. but this make any change in motion sensor function. still works with 30 and 60 seconds. any ideas where can be problem? thank you

Which message (in a green box) appears when you save the changed values?

I also have an Aeotec Trisensor and have tried many many times to update the settings.
No matter what I try the settings will NOT change.
Q: How do I send the settings to the sensor? I have tried placing it into ‘awake’ mode which works (LED yellow) then change a setting in the Homey Pro app press save… but nothing changes.
Please help…

Which settings do you want to change, and how do you know that it hasn’t worked?
Have you checked if the sensor is reachable?

– Do the procedure close to the Homey (HB & HP19: < 30 cm / HP23: < 1 meter). Btw, with a good working Z-Wave network, this shouldn’t really be necessary with a HP23.
– Replace the battery.

Thank you so much for the quick reply.
The settings I am trying to change are:
Retrigger Time
Clear Time
LED colour

The sensor is part of a flow so it is definitely operational.
I am removing the sensor and moving it very close to the Homey Pro 23 hub.
I have also installed a new battery.
I know the new settings are not being installed because the LED indicator doesn’t change colour.

This is why I cannot understand why it isn’t working… I will retry the same procedure by moving sensor within 1 metre of the hub.
Note: This is why I really dislike Z-Wave.

OK… I tried both forms of manual ‘wakeup’, changed a setting then hit save while sensor was in awake mode all while the sensor is sitting within .5 metre from the hum.
Unfortunately no difference…

Note: I had no such problems when the sensor was paired with my Hubitat hub.

Hm, don’t use the TriSensor but I don’t have any problems to change the settings of battery operated Z-Wave devices in generally.
Did you tried just for testing purpose to edit an other battery operated devices?

How ever, I propose to contact the Aeotec Support. A link can be found in the App Store.

Thank you so much for you time and support, very much appreciated.
This is the only Z-Wave device I have. I selected it because it has a long range of detection.
I did a factory reset and then tried again but still no change.
I will now go to plan B (i.e. replace it with a Zigbee motion sensor).
Thank you again for your assistance.
Case closed.