Advanced Flow Working in Test State But Failing Once Saved

That’s not what I meant, and it causes a loop
When turned off → dim to % (this causes most lights to turn on with dimlevel %) → Then turn off
Now the flow starts again immediately, because:
When turned off → dim to % (this causes most lights to turn on with dimlevel %) → Then turn off
Now the flow starts again immediately, because:
When turned off → dim to % (this causes most lights to turn on with dimlevel %) → Then turn off
Now the flow starts again immediately, because …

And so on and on.

I even showed it in the other topic, you added the trigger somehow :man_shrugging::wink:

I did not say to trigger the flow with ‘When light X is turned off’

I meant, or tried to explain, in all the flows where you use the action card “Then turn light X off” you should use
-dim light X to 1%
-turn light X off after 1s

Now the light should have dimlevel 1% when you turn it on from anywhere.

I hope it’s a bit clearer now