@Pixi correct…i made a mistake before.
Now hopefully corrected…i was missing the “if true” connection line in all flows:
Thanks for spotting
@Pixi correct…i made a mistake before.
Now hopefully corrected…i was missing the “if true” connection line in all flows:
Thanks for spotting
and how about when the weather is good in the Autumn… personally i would remove the seasons part, and just go with lux and the temperature, but once again, it is personal.
Interesting… I dont use every x minutes, but usually trigger is when temperature changed followed by logic - temperature is above x then…
Which makes homey to re-evaluate conditions everytime sensor reports new value.
Cron syntax fixed.
Yep +1 from me for this solution, that’s the way I solve this kind of triggers also.
Hi @Peter_Kawa sorry to bother you again but the flow did not trigger this morning. Could it be because my sensor was already above 25 degrees and/or above 800lux? If so any idea on how I can ensure that the flow triggers even if the sensor is already at the value? Otherwise any other idea why the flow did not trigger?
Thanks as always for your kind help
Sio Time could also be a trigger is the Temperature (Or Lux) wasn’t changed but before operating timeslot,
Would be a variant of this.
PS: don’t use the Tag from the Trigger in the Condition or Action, both don’t exist in the Event from The-Time-is-13h00, use the Tagg from the Device self.
Hi @Dijker thanks for the tips.
This is how i have now rearranged the flow. I have a logical condition according to which when the flow has run the logical value “tapparelle EST run” is set to YES…so i also included the logic card at the beginning to avoid these flows are triggered continuously for every change in temp and luminance.
In essence i would like to avoid that after the process has run once in the day will run again within that time bracket. I think this is also part of the problem because i do not believe i have set this up correctly…
If you have any more suggestions to improve this i am willing to learn.
I’m just got last week my homey and started with a similair flow for my blinds.
I have created 2 workflow for this.
1 with the conditions when the blind can go down. This flow sets the variable blinds active on (and off when de conditions are not right)
2 this workflow lets the blinds actual go down or up and a desirable time period.
the trigger for this workflow is a change in workflow 1 and the start time of the time period.
I actually set up the second workflow per room.
This works well for me so hopefully it helps and additions and suggestions are welcome.
Below the workflow (in Dutch)
workflow 1 adjusted after response Peter_Kawa (thanks)
Hi Edwin,
One thing I noticed:
These conditional (or AND) cards have no input and do not work now, I think: they should be put somewhere between a trigger and the rest of the flow.
Hi Peter,
You are right. Thanks for your reaction.
i just made an adjustment with any and forgot to link the input.
These should be linked to 1 min.
I think this should work fine if you just add a when-trigger for when the time-window starts.
“When luminance > X and time between 10:30 and 11.30 …” and then also
“When the time is 10:30 and luminance > X …”