Advanced Flow — Community Q&A (from Ask Me Anything 05-07-2022)

Here is another techical question:
The manual describes the usage of the tokens for a flow action passing back to the flow:

But how should an error returned?
throw new Error() or just return false?

I assume a throw new Error is the correct usage, because real exceptions are passed to the canvas. But an example for that would be nice in the manual.

Update: Got a confirmation via Slack: Throwing an error is the correct usage.

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Currently I have several (standard) flows that cooperate, by enabling/disabling (standard) flows for some fixed amount of time, when something happens.

(How) Can I combine them all in one single Advanced Flow?

It’s not really an error, it’s basically the broker saying that there are no users configured (which is correct).

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Enabling and disabling flows is still on flow basis.
So combining these into an advanced flow isn’t possible unles you rewrite it in another way.
This isn’t something where one answer fits without knowledge of your old flows.
Depending on your scenario it maybe even isn’t possible in one flow unless you do things radically different.

Are the notifications actually working. I can’t read Dutch but it looks like the latest entry was 2 days ago. I have the same thing. There are no recent real time timeline/notifications.

Actually there are a lot of weird things go8ng on with the web app at the moment which look to me performance based issues. I’m wondering if Athom systems aren’t suffering some load issues with the large uptake of advanced flows.

I absolutely love AF by the way. In migrating my flows I found a few errors and a lot of redundancy.

I have tested around today since the AF announcement also with notifications to verify Advanced Flows and the Web App frontend. I have not noticed anything strange and the Notifications worked when I needed them.

I found out that Safari on the Mac was a bit buggy after I was working on AF for a while. Duplicating flows did not show and notifications were not updated.
On Firefox no issues.

Oh, yes there was a moment that my notification cards were throwing errors this afternoon and I had to reboot Homey to get it working again. But I assumed that had something to do with a loop I created myself.

Thanks for the Safari hint on the Mac, that is exactly what I was using.

Is there also the option to turn off a when card? like turn off a flow.

Probably not?

No, but you could make something similar by using a boolean value and checking that in an ALL construction.
So for instance I have a time period of 3 minutes after a Homey reboot that I do not want most of my flows (triggers / WHEN cards) to be executed. I created a boolean “RebootHold” for that and combined that with almost any WHEN card. If RebootHold is true, the WHEN will not be executed.
Similar for all different kind of modes, like “holiday”, “christmas”, etc.


No they are not saved. If you restart your Homey any pending delays are gone in Advanced Flow.

Try to make the first advanced flow, but the flow does not change the VW We-Connect parameters.
The max charging level will not change.

At the first glance I would say it would always stay at 16A. Try switching the blue and yellow of that first condition.

Or, inverse the card to “is greater than”.

Every 2 minutes, that’s a tough one for your Homey.
I always try to avoid these kind of triggers.

Isn’t it possible to use another trigger, like ‘Started Charging’ ?

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That shouldn’t be a problem at all, providing it takes less than 2 minutes to process the flow.


When you only have one flow doing stuff every 2 min, then yes.
But I’m fairly positive this isn’t the only flow on his Homey and probably not the last. :smile:

I try and avoid these kind of triggers.

I have many flows that will trigger much more frequently than that and my Homey is still idle most of the time. For example, I monitor the light level to open / close curtains and switch lights on / off and that flow will trigger every 15 to 30 seconds due to the light fluctuations. 2 minutes is an eternity for Homey

Of course you should use time triggers with care if you use tons of 'em.
I think using intervals smaller than 10s can get tricky.

To avoid all kinds of flows triggering at exact 1, 5, 15, 30, 60 seconds / minutes, I vary the time.
For ‘every minute’ I use 59 or 61s (if that’s possible for the flow function ofc).
For ‘every 10s’ I use 11s
For ‘every hour’ I use 59 or 61 minutes etc.
Maybe that’s overkill, but might help if Homey is very busy at specific times.

Its not about if it is good to use a timer for every 2 minutes.
But the flow works in principle fine.
Because i want to change the charging level depending on the power thats available after all the power thats used in house.

I had placed also notification to check if the flow is working correctly.
But the flow is not changing the parameters of the car.

But the normal flows works fine, but that are so many and with the advanced flow i can combine them all to one.