I saw this thread and was inspired to create a script which can do this for you.
I made 2 variants:
- Run this script in the WebAPI playground: (make sure to empty the text area first)
const main = async function () {
console.log('Starting main function...');
let state = await Homey.zwave.getState();
let data = await Homey.zwave.runCommand({
command: 'getNetworkTopology'
let failed = Homey.zwave.runCommand({command: 'getFailedNodes'});
let nodes = [];
let edges = [];
let homeyID = 1;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
if (value.base === true) {
homeyID = parseInt(key);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
const nodeState = get(state, `zw_state.stats.node_${parseInt(key)}_network`, null);
let group = parseInt(key) === homeyID ? 'coordinator' : 'router';
// if (value.base === true) {
// group = 'disconnected';
// }
name: encodeURIComponent(value.name),
id: parseInt(key),
nodeState: {
id: parseInt(key),
const routes = value.props.route.reverse();
let filteredRoutes = routes.filter((route) => route !== 0);
if (!value.base && filteredRoutes.length) {
// start from 1 because we want to start from the second element
for (let i = 1; i < filteredRoutes.length; i++) {
from: parseInt(filteredRoutes[i]),
to: parseInt(filteredRoutes[i - 1])
console.log(value.name, 'Adding edge from', parseInt(filteredRoutes[i]), 'to', parseInt(filteredRoutes[i - 1]));
} else if (!value.base) {
edges.push({ from: homeyID, to: parseInt(key) });
console.log(value.name, 'Adding edge from', homeyID, 'to', parseInt(key));
console.log({ nodes, edges })
const buf = window.btoa(JSON.stringify({ nodes, edges })).toString('base64');
return `https://martijnpoppen.github.io/com.homey.map.mesh#${buf}`;
const get = function (obj, dirtyPath, defaultValue) {
if (obj === undefined || obj === null) return defaultValue;
const path = typeof dirtyPath === 'string' ? dirtyPath.split('.') : dirtyPath;
let objLink = obj;
if (Array.isArray(path) && path.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
const currentVal = objLink[path[i]];
if (currentVal !== undefined && currentVal !== null) {
objLink = currentVal;
} else {
return defaultValue;
const value = objLink[path[path.length - 1]];
return value === undefined || value === null ? defaultValue : value;
return defaultValue;
- copy the url in the reponse and paste it in your browser. (remove quotes)
- Voila, you have a map of your Z-Wave Routes.
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Apps made by @martijnpoppen
See for more apps link below or just open the pull down.