[HOW-TO][Pro][Cloud] - Z-Wave Route map

I saw this thread and was inspired to create a script which can do this for you.

I made 2 variants:


  1. Run this script in the WebAPI playground: (make sure to empty the text area first)
const main = async function () {
    console.log('Starting main function...');
    let state = await Homey.zwave.getState();
    let data = await Homey.zwave.runCommand({
        command: 'getNetworkTopology'
    let failed = Homey.zwave.runCommand({command: 'getFailedNodes'});

    let nodes = [];
    let edges = [];
    let homeyID = 1;

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
        if (value.base === true) {
            homeyID = parseInt(key);

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
        const nodeState = get(state, `zw_state.stats.node_${parseInt(key)}_network`, null);
        let group = parseInt(key) === homeyID ? 'coordinator' : 'router';

        // if (value.base === true) {
        //     group = 'disconnected';
        // }

            name: encodeURIComponent(value.name),
            id: parseInt(key),
            nodeState: {
                id: parseInt(key),

        const routes = value.props.route.reverse();
        let filteredRoutes = routes.filter((route) => route !== 0);

        if (!value.base && filteredRoutes.length) {
            // start from 1 because we want to start from the second element
                for (let i = 1; i < filteredRoutes.length; i++) {
                        from: parseInt(filteredRoutes[i]),
                        to: parseInt(filteredRoutes[i - 1])

                    console.log(value.name, 'Adding edge from', parseInt(filteredRoutes[i]), 'to', parseInt(filteredRoutes[i - 1]));
        } else if (!value.base) {
            edges.push({ from: homeyID, to: parseInt(key) });

            console.log(value.name, 'Adding edge from', homeyID, 'to', parseInt(key));
console.log({ nodes, edges })
    const buf = window.btoa(JSON.stringify({ nodes, edges })).toString('base64');
    return `https://martijnpoppen.github.io/com.homey.map.mesh#${buf}`;

const get = function (obj, dirtyPath, defaultValue) {
    if (obj === undefined || obj === null) return defaultValue;
    const path = typeof dirtyPath === 'string' ? dirtyPath.split('.') : dirtyPath;
    let objLink = obj;
    if (Array.isArray(path) && path.length) {
        for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
            const currentVal = objLink[path[i]];
            if (currentVal !== undefined && currentVal !== null) {
                objLink = currentVal;
            } else {
                return defaultValue;
        const value = objLink[path[path.length - 1]];
        return value === undefined || value === null ? defaultValue : value;
    return defaultValue;


  1. copy the url in the reponse and paste it in your browser. (remove quotes)
  2. Voila, you have a map of your Z-Wave Routes.

If you appreciate what I do, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution
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:computer: Apps made by @martijnpoppen

See for more apps link below :point_down:t2: or just open the pull down.


Again, you are moving the boundaries !!! :+1: :+1: :+1: :tophat:
Working great !

Question : who has the biggest map ? I remember there were some users with really big Z-WAVE mesh :wink: Would be nice to see the visualization !

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And yes feel free to share your setups in this thread!

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Big meshes will never be shown here :face_holding_back_tears:

Error: URI Too Long

Ah nice :confused:

Im encrypting the JSON data to base64, probably not allowed.
I guess you see the issue in the developer portal right?

No, when I try to look at the url, it is github spouting that.

@Caseda can you share your url in a DM? Then i’ll try tomorrow to fix it :slight_smile:

@Caseda fixed the script. Should work now with long URI’s

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Martijn, super nice. hopefully someday we can use the zigbee variant on HP23 as well.

by the way, is it weird that i have 2 separate mesh connections?

@Ranney Let see what you have! haha


@Robin_De_Lange Thanks!
that is strange indeed!

Can you run this code in the developer portal and send me your output in a DM? :slight_smile:

const main = async function () {

let state = await Homey.zwave.getState();

let data = await Homey.zwave.runCommand({command: 'getNetworkTopology'});

return {data, state}


Haha, really nice script!! Just tried it in Safari. The script is running but the URL is not working. Also not working in Google Chrome. In Chrome it is working great! I don’t know how to interpret the picture. Overall I can say that devices (on the map) far away of homey are in fact close to Homey and visa versa. But hey, everything is working fine :wink:

Thanks for making this script! If I understand it right, the Zigbee script is only for the Homey <2023 series?

Here my Z-Wave device:



@Ranney correct Zigbee map is not working on HP23 (yet)

i need to make a small fix to prevent it from showing 2 different meshes. but will probably be done tonight :slight_smile:


Great and looking forward to it! Maybe that you can combine some scripts? So we can download a complete (pdf report?) overview of all devices, route maps and debug info? Anyway really nice script and work! Will donate you later (have to go to work now) Thanks :muscle:


This is the Z-Wave route map of my Z-Wave devices (79 pc., HP23):

And just one mesh.


Looks amazing. But script errored on my HP23 (using Z wave variant):


1 item


string"The string contains invalid characters."


Can you run this code in the developer portal and send me your output in a DM? :slight_smile:

const main = async function () {

let state = await Homey.zwave.getState();

let data = await Homey.zwave.runCommand({command: 'getNetworkTopology'});

return {data, state}


@Ranney @Robin_De_Lange updated the script. shouldn’t show separate networks anymore.

@Robin_De_Lange tested with your data: link


haha Thanks and nice! when I tried it again it isn’t the same as the link which you tested.


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@Jonathan_Draper also your issue is fixed :slight_smile:

Amazing, thank you!

Here goes: