Zone inactive for x minutes triggers, while there is motion, leaving me in the dark

I am using simple flows.
My problem is that sometimes the lights go out when I am still in the zone.
By setting the zone inactivity from 1 to 2 minutes, I allow my motion sensors more time to send a “motion detected alarm”. I will have to see if that fixes my problem. Now I am logging all events, so when it happens I can see if it is due to the motion sensor.

Good work!

Phase A Motion travel
One critical thing to understand is the time it takes from the moment you create motion to sensor activity in Homey. This depends on sensor hardware and network wifi/ZigBee/zwave. Imagine it’s 1 second.

Phase B Processing in Homey
Motion sensor activity to zone activity. You’ve seen my measurements above for
In HP2023 measurements it’s about 100ms.
In HP2019 measurements it’s about -5ms (minus 5ms)

CPU load dependent.

If during A and B, zone inactivity for xx minutes triggers, it’s too late and the light will go off.

xx=1 minute: 1.000-1.100s/60s chance
xx=2 minutes: 1.000-1.100s/120s chance (smaller)

So naturally it’s best to set xx as high as possible.

So far I still do not see where Homey fails.

Measurements for Homey 2019
Homey: HP2019
Sensor: Hue motion sensor on Philips Hue app

  1. Zone activity is 1-5ms before sensor motion
  2. Zone inactivity is 1-5ms before sensor inactivity.
  3. Zone inactive for 1 min is 7-8ms before 60s.

A surprising difference with the HP2023.
Tested with both Simple flows and Advanced flows.
It still does not mean there is an issue, though it would be useful to know if some of your motion sensors show motion for a full 60s before becoming inactive.
