Zigbee repeater online or offline?

I have 2 Ikea Tradfri Zigbee repeaters. But how do I know if these devices are still connected to Homey Pro 2023? In the developer page I see that they are last seen ‘2 months ago’… Since I cannot control these devices I have no clue if they are still talking to homey and working as routers or not…

Try to PING them or Interview them and you will see… was just writing about aimilar behaviour here - Aqara Zigbee sensors - #3 by Sharkys

So one of them is responding to PING, the other one is not… Is there a way to keep them alive, or to send this PING command through an (advanced) flow, or HomeyScript, so I can be notified let’s say once a week if the device is offline?

So you would need to repair them…

Not that I’m aware off but… I’m keeping monitoring Last seen value and when I see router being not updated (based on script, you can find it or I will send you link in case of interest), I’m taking corrective action immediately .