Zigbee kunne ikke startes. Zigbee could not be started.

Zigbee could not be started.

My Homey has been working fine. a week ago it lost all zigbee modules, I restored my homey and it worked.
In that case it no longer works and I get the message “Zigbee could not be started.”
I have tried everything, restore, update, different power supply, nothing works.

I hope someone can help

Don’t forget to try another usb cable as well!
Start in recovery, and perform the so called “full software download”.
This solved the zigbee issue for several users.

Homey starts and I can easily enter homey. Homey writes so that it cannot start zigbee.
I’ve tried restoring, it doesn’t help

Then contact Athom support.

I had the same problem …
This procedure from Athom Support made my day :slight_smile:

Good luck

Had the exact same problem ’ Zigbee could not be started’ and after the support mailed me the same solution Keith posted I just found this post LOL.
Baseline, reinstall the firmware exactly like described and it should work.