Z-Wave Shelly updates

Has somebody made firmware updates of Shelly Z-Wave or other Z-Wave manufacturer? I found only instructions over HomeAssistent. But i don’t want HA only to do Firmware Updates for ZWAVE.
Any ideas or instruction links?

Homey cannot perform OTA updates for Z-Wave.

Yes i know. But the question is, has anywhere a step by step instruction to do it with pc contoller? To install home Assistent only for updates is not the solution. I bought a aerotec stick and install pc contoller, connect with homey, but then i get an error to read the firmware Information.


I tried by buying an Aeotec Stick Gen5+ and doing as described but in the end, the stick is added to Homey Pro and PC controller but a firmware update can not be performed… -.-

Hi, have a lock at these Topic. It is in German but the same Problem.

The result is, you cant make updates with your stick in homey. You can use a pc with a software or use home assistent.
When you need more information also in english i can help a little bit.