Z-wave plugs doesn't work anymore

I have some 20 plugs of different brands and protocols.
5 of these are z-wave. Suddenly all five have stoped working. I have performed a soft reboot and also a hard reboot making my Homey Pro 23 powerless for at least one minute but nothing helps.

When I try to stop/start a plug I can see the following error message "Transmit_complete_no_ack!
Sometimes the plug changes status but Homey gets no information.
It would be really strange if all five plugs (different brands) would break down at the same time.

Thank you for any help!


Try to test them in Homey Developer Tools (Homey Developer Tools)
go to the end of the line, click 3 dots and click test (can take a while), the response will tell you if the device is still alive.

Tested that and they all say unreacable. How can all these plugs go off line at the same time?

Maybe they are in the mesh network depending on each other and the nearest to Homey is crashed???
Try them close to Homey, if that doesn’t work, maybe try factory reset device.
Are other z-wave devices working or none of them, in that case the z-wave app could be the problem, restart the app. Also you can try to remove the power from Homey for longer than 12 minutes, the mesh network will than rebuild in the next half hour.

Additionally it might be a plan to cut the power from all z-wave routers as well (for 10 minutes or so). Just a thought.

ok, thanks! I will try your suggestiions tomorrow. I have some other z-wave devices such as an motion eye, fire alert and some more. They are all working.

Thanks for your help! Now everyone except one are up and running. I think it might have to do with z-wave mesh and one faulty node.


Still problems with Z-wave. Error message “no ack”
5 plugs of brand Telldus is not responding ok
2 plugs of brand Telldus with routing function is working ok

In developer tools i can see that the 2 plugs are helping each outer with routing.
The other 5 are accessed directly from Homey.

I have performed this:
re-installed Telldus z-wave
unplugged all z-wave plugs and tried one by one closer to Homey but no success

Do you have any more ideas I can try?