I was thinking to move my Better Logic Variables to Homey Logic.
For this I want to make a list of Flows where a specific Variable is used in.
Anyone has a Homescript for this?
I was thinking to move my Better Logic Variables to Homey Logic.
For this I want to make a list of Flows where a specific Variable is used in.
Anyone has a Homescript for this?
I have something that works for Homey 1.x but still have not updated/checked for 2.x
You could look at
by changing line #79 and #80 I was able to run it without Errors on 2.0 but I am not sure all intended functionality still works…
if (obj.uriObj && obj.uriObj.meta ) { var DevZone = obj.uriObj.meta.zoneName ? ' - ' + obj.uriObj.meta.zoneName : '' }
log(' C>> ' + obj.uri + DevZone + ' - ' + obj.id);
Maybe this is a start?
Not homeyscript but you could use this standalone flow viewer and do a search for “better logic variable” and it should show all the flows that uses it.