Been trying to connect two Homey’s at different locations (eg one at home and and one at the office) - the two Homey’s use the same account. IFTTT been unsuccessful due to the fact that IFTTT cannot log into (“Service”) multiple Homey´s. I’ve understand that Webhooks can be used. But (I’m frank and honest) I’m confused.
Please, please, please: give me a tutorial, step-by-step, exactly do this-and-that on how to do Webhooks on my Homey! Eternal gratitude is guaranteed!
You have the option to send internal and external webhooks. In your case we need external ones.
You have a homey that sends and one that receives. Let’s get to the recipient first. You need the Logic app. Here you can serve as a trigger. Point: A webhook has been received, select. please give the webhook a name, for example Test. You will be shown at the top what a webhook should look like.
The transmitter Homey requires the app: https request Flow cards. here the URL of the command from the recipient is entered under GET. You can find the Homey ID under Settings / General.
My English is bad, Google translation even helped.
Fantastic and BIG thanks - just what I needed and now my Homeys talk to each other without any hassle or problem. Works beautifully!
Going thru your instructions and doing the Flow of the receiver (When…- Logic - A Webhook has been received), I noticed that Then…- Logic - Make a web request was also available under Logic. I was able to use that on the Sender Homey - that way I didn’t need the app HTTP requeset flow cards (although I’m sure the app is more flexible and capable judging from your screenshot - but for now the Logic was enough for me; keep it simple…).
Thanks again!
Hello, Sorry, that does not work to me. Maybe I do not understand everything.
Could you please send me a deeper description or screenshots from both homeys to see how it is working?
To find out what is not working, we should first deal with the homey that is supposed to receive the webhook.
Have you installed the Logic App ?
Have you written a flow that receives a webhook ? Write a flow that, for example, turns on the lights when it receives the webhook “test”. Please make sure that you use the Homey Cloud ID of the received device in your webhook. of the webhook
for example:
The webhook should work for testing if you copy it into your browser and send.
Additional, when both Homey’s are on the same LAN network (local or through VPN), you can omit the cloud connection like this:
(mind the http
without the s
Like this example:
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Will Webhook and the Logic App work as described here also between a Homey Pro 2023 and a remote Homey Bridge (latest version - have not purchased it yet), and without VPN?
Yes it will, but don’t use local webhooks, use the Athom cloud.
The latest webhook for all Homeys is:
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Thank you for clarifying.
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