Tips for migrating to Home Assistant?

It’s perhaps a weird topic in this community but whatever :wink: I’ve read numerous topics here where people reference their Home Assistant setups. So, maybe not so weird.

I am familiar with Home Assistant but I never fully used the system as my main. After the acquisition of Athom by LG, I will use it as my main.
All the exotic devices have to migrate and (oh dear god) I have to translate all my flows to yaml automations. Figuring out how to use true/no true, count downs and confirmation notifications.

So I was wondering, are there any tips or useful resources to go to make ing e migration a bit less frustrating?
I’ve read the main website and it’s community of course.

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I would suggest checking out the automation editor, there’s a fair chance that most of your automations might not require any YAML editing at all.

It will also help a lot if you read up on what automations can do “out of the box”, because almost all use cases for countdowns with Homey are meant to work around shortcomings in the flow system that HA doesn’t have. It’s trivial to write automations like “if the motion sensor has not detected any motion for more than 3 minutes, turn off the outside lights”. It’s also easy to prevent automations from triggering again if it’s already running (using automation modes).

And lastly, install HACS, the Home Assistant Community Store. Even though HA itself supports a lot of devices, if you have a device that isn’t supported directly chances are that it is supported by a community integration that is provided through HACS. It’s the de facto standard for “apps” in HA.


Sorry to hear that
But you can all so intregatre them to gather, and then you see what you miss :slight_smile:
But I think you get more info on this topic to follow this thread at the forum

The first part off the topic is get HA ready (the same as Robert allready mentiod)

Then move part for part devices, flows to the new platform.
Succes with this adventure

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Thanks guys, almost everything is setup. HA has improved tons compared to 6 years ago. A few automations to go and I do I final PTP on my Homey to never reboot again…
So long and thanks for the fish!