Thermostatic head that you could recommend - issues with zigbee tuya 3.0 versions

i bought already two thermostatic heads, both around 30$, both with zigbee 3.0, and both not visible in homey pro. Tuya Zigbee for homey app didnt helped, but it was updated 3 years ago.
So - do you have any recommendation about thermostatis heads (i need to buy few of them) that will work fine with Homey pro?

thank you very much for any advices

No, 2 days ago :wink:
It’s best to check the changelog. When you hit the orange ‘test’ button, you can install the latest test version of the app. This often has support for newer devices, but can contain bugs. (The dev probably would be glad to try to fix them with your kind help)


The ‘3 years ago’ mention looks like an error of homey app store to me.

Here you can check if support for your device is already requested, if not, you can make a
request for support: