Theoretically, can a badly created flow freeze a wireless protocol?

Hey Homeys!

Is it possible for a flow to mess up Homey so protocols start behaving weirdly or even freeze? I’m thinking like if a user creates a flow that floods Homey with commands or getting it stuck in a loop or something like that.

I’m really struggling with my Homey at the moment (as some of you probably have noticed in this forum) and I’m clasping at straws here.

The issue I have is that the 433 MHz sensor protocol freezes for some (to me) unknown reason. I’m using the “Wireless weather sensor” app and I have tried everything I have come up with. I created a support ticket a month ago with Athom but have not gotten any response and the app developer seams to have given up on the app.

I have no idea if it’s a hardware issue, a firmware issue, an app issue, a user issue or what the heck it is. Since non of the partys that can look “under the hood” is willing to help me I’m stuck.

Sadly, seems you did not get help from Athom, nor from Community [APP][Pro] Wireless Weather Sensors - Reads data from several brands of wireless weather sensors - #210 by Paxman nor App developer - All sensors goes “Device Unavailable” several times a day. · Issue #149 · nlrb/ · GitHub

One of the option is that you may have faulty hardware. Now I don’t recall anymore, but you tried PTP, firmware flash keeping backup etc. ? You keep opening so many channels and questions, it starts to be disturbing…

On your Theory, try to monitor your system performance, eg. via Sysinternals app, check then insights, any loop could potentially result in higher CPU load etc. but only you know your specific user config.

Also I’m not sure you ever submitted diag. log to the app developer ? I don’t see you mentioned that anywhere. The app developer then could see what exactly cause this unresponsive devices.

Thank you Sharkys for being one of few that actually is trying to be constructive and help me with this. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry if I’m disturbing, but you have to understand that I’m getting really desperate here. Since non of those that actually could diagnose my system even answer my questions I have to throw everything I can at the wall to see if anything sticks. The alternative is to just give up…and I don’t want to do that yet.

I installed Sysinternals and this is what it reported pre restart (with the 433 MHz sensor protocol frozen) and post restart:

Pre restart:

Post restart:

I don’t know how to interpret these data…but I do notice that the four storage data points in the pre restart is missing. Could that be that I did not restart Homey after installing the Sysinternals app or could it be a clue to my issue?

Insight doesn’t really tell me much either. When the 433 MHz sensor protocol freezes the graph just show a straight line (time just before 11:00 to just after 11:30 when I did a restart):

There is no consistency in when the protocol freezes. It can run for a day or two, but it can also freeze after just an hour or so efter restart.

What is “diag. log”? The app developer has clearly stated in the app thread that he no longer support the app and that he has not done any development of it for years. He also states that since the app has worked for years, any problem with it is Athoms fault for changing things in Homey firmware.

If I could confirm that this is a hardware problem I would look for a used Homey. But since I have no idea whatsoever what the issue is, it might just be money down the drain if the issue turned out to transfer to a different Homey. Also, buying used electronics is always a gamble.

I am not sure what the normal values are regarding memory usage of a Homey Pro 2019 (I have a 2023 version), but you only seem to have 60 MB of free internal memory in the first set of screenshots / when frozen. That is a very low number.

Not sure how many apps you are running on your Homey, but does disabling some of those apps help in preventing the freeze?

This is exactly my problem…I have no idea what the values should be and if anything sticks out. Hence trying to get help from Athom or the app developer that should know right?

At the moment I have 25 apps. Not sure how many of them that are native to Homeys OS and how many of them I have installed. Is there a list of what apps are loaded with the OS?

I did delete all apps that I had installed during the years to test but wasn’t using, but that did nothing.

Getting help from them would indeed help.

In the mean time: normally when you set up Homey freshly, there will be no apps installed. When you add devices, typically every manufacturer has its own app. Further there are apps for added functionality. If I understand you correctly, you currently have installed 25 apps (you can check this in the mobile app, by tapping the More tab (three dots) followed by the Apps item.

You can also check how much memory each of them use of the available 1GB in your Homey, by tapping the More tab, followed by Settings and then Memory. You should see a stacked graph and overview of apps with memory usage. Something like this:

You might want to try and temporarily disable (not uninstall) apps that use much memory to check is that results in less frequent freezes.

Than you SunBeach (lovely nick by the way! :blush:)!

I did not remember that there are no apps installed at all on a “fresh” Homey. The rest you wrote I’m well aware of, but good info for others that might find this thread in the future.

I’m actually considering doing a full erase of Homey and start over from scratch. Then I’ll install the Wireless Weather App and just one sensor and testing it in that state for a couple of days. No other devices, apps or flows. If the issue persist I will know for sure that the issue is not something else in my Homey.

Does anyone know if it’s possible to keep my backups from my current setup and still start over with a clean Homey for testing? If it turns out that the problem indeed is the Wireless Weather App I would like to be able to go back to my current setup with all my devices and flows.

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I checked the memory for all apps in Insights from when the last freeze happened earlier today. Non of the apps peaked…but many of them went down slightly at the precise moment the weather sensors app froze. Not much…under a MB, but all apps show this dip. However, the system memory shows two spikes:

The slight slope you see in the bottom graph (Wireless Weather Sensors app) is seen on all the other apps.

The sharp drop in the squares (at about 11:25) is when I restarted Homey to unlock the freeze.