Q: I have read conflicting things about the LED ring. In one place I saw that it would not be controllable by apps but would be by flows. Then in this topic there are a few people saying they use LED ring to be notified about stuff in their system and will miss this. But if it will still be possible to control LED ring by flows, surely this will still be possible in the 2023 Pro? Please clarify.
This is wat Emile said:
(For the non-Dutch: That is not entirely true. You can show LED Ring effects via a flow, but we changed it so it can no longer be controlled by apps)
Thank you!
Not 100% sure. There was a “dreamers about new Homey thread” - and smells, they red that one, BUT as there, in thread was only wishes about something new (memory, Ethernet…) and nothing about what must be carry over from old… then
I saw in the presentation that there is mention of community apps also being welcomed, even if there is already an official app available. Does that mean that HCS will no longer be needed and that these apps will be able to move to the official store?
According to Athoms presentation the Bridge will extend the zigbee, but not as a router but as a controler. And when placing your units you need to statically decide which controler it should connect through. So you you will end up with 2 zigbee networks not meshing each other.
Which is fine as they will anyway cover different parts of your home.
All devices will then of course be handled by the Pro.
I think it is good to re-listen to their presentation to understand more. It was much new, hard to remember all.
That’s the point. When you are talking about what you’re dreaming about, its not the same as asking what you couldn’t miss. And then again; a speaker is so mainstream, there is a big chance you will forget to mention it. It’s like dreaming about a new car, and you get one without a radio in it.
Is there not a way at the beginning that all of the SDK2 apps will also work on the new homey pro ?
So all the users with the new homey pro can use homey pro and not have to wait for updates ?
I don’t doubt for a moment it would be possible, but at some point you just have to let go of legacy, moving to a new hardware platform is an opportunity not to be missed.
I do understand the sentiment, but still, Homey Pro 2023 is set to be delivered Q1 2023. It’s very likely it will be beta first for some time, do you really want to jump the wagon at such early stage with the home automation you (and presumably your family) relies on?
Same with the migration path. Yes, I think it should be there, but having it from the start means it has to evolve with any changes made to the Homey Pro 2023 firmware while in it’s first phase. Developing the firmware to a stable user ready version can be done so much faster if it doesn’t have to keep up with keeping the migration tools up-to-date. I personally am not gonna use the Homey Pro 2023 as daily driver until what is planned for Q2 is delivered, so for me migration tools don’t have to be there until that stage.
But that’s just me, your results may vary, see this as food for thought
Same goes for me!
I’ll update and test my apps, and might try a backup-restore-migration sometime(s) when it’s available, but the final migration will probably be a few months.
Please, please make migration from Homey Pro (2016-2019) available before launch. At least for connected devices. It’s a real pain pairing all the devices again.
Then wait to fully migrate before trully switching
Why would you need to switch at launch? Can’t you keep the old ball up a few months?
(just wondering why not switching would be an issue for users)
I have a question for the livestream please:
I see on the not supported page that the soundboard app will not be available. However, the soundboard app also allows me to play the sounds i uploaded to Homey through my Sonos speakers. Will this function be ported to the Sonos app, or will i loose this ability? Because as i see it now, i will not be able to do this anymore since the Soundboard app is what allows me to upload the sounds.
I literally use this everyday!
There are already ways to do this, check my apps through my profile page.
And i already asked Emile about it: if the will not keep Soundboard as a storage on the Homey Pro to be used with other apps, i will create one (that also works and is needed by the Homesh Controller Apps).
Please please please
create a migration option. It will save me an enormous amount of work!
Please let us know if we can use some form of a local speaker with text to speech and a soundboard. I use this a lot in my scripts and don’t know how to solve this without buying more expensive hardware.
I know about your UMP alternative, however this is not useful for me. I don’t want to be relying on a server connection, i want it to draw from my Homey storage.
The Homesh option is not useful for me as i don’t use the Homey speaker but my Sonos speakers. Or do you mean you will have a seperate soundboard app on New Homey Pro, that stores the files on New Homey Pro?
A solution has already been developed and is in testing (and design) stage:
[Vote] Feature App: Homesh: Connect Pro 2023 to Old Homey Pro for Led, Speaker, Zwave(satellite) and network resource - Apps - Homey Community Forum
This way you can just keep the Old White Ball and Control it directly in the flows from your new Black HockeyPuck!
Yes, if Soundboard does not stay as storage on the HomeyPro Early 2023, i will create an App that allows mp3 and wav’s (or just files) to be stored through the App Settings (just like Soundboard), for which you can get the url through a flowcard and api, for easy use with Sonos, Homesh Controller & Satellite, Samsung TV (open browser with URL) and HomeyScript(and any other App that allowes a Url ofc or perhaps base64 file through the API).
Just like the Google Services App works for a big part i guess.
I also will be using it that way with Sonos, and i’ll make sure that this abbility is available if needed!
Together with the Ftp Server from Micro Web Server App
Thats good to know, thanks. For me this is truly a dealbreaker. Nice to know you will be actively creating a solution.
Also, now that i am talking to you. Thanks for taking over Chronograph. Another app that i use very often, which is very important to my smarthome!
Your welcome!
Perhaps you are able to test the new SDK3 version from Chronograph Test version | Homey.
I need a few more people telling me the new version works well, i don’t have enough experience in using the App myself, only use it a little since a few months.
That would be awesome!