The light is on as long as there is movement in the room with a motion sensor

I don’t know if I’ve done something wrong or if it’s just not working the way I thought it would.
Posting my flow image so it’s easier to understand what I’m trying to achieve see image.

The purpose of this flow is that it should light the sink lightstrip when I enter the kitchen and as long as there is movement at the sink the, the lightstrip should be lit.

by the sink, I have a motion sensor that will turn on the lightstrip above the sink when I enter if the luminans is low enough for the lightstrip to turn on,
and it seems to work.

I have put in a countdown for the lightstrip to be on for a certain amount of time before it goes off, and no movement has been noted at the sink.
This almost works…
Sometimes I feel that the loop is not lit for the time that I have set in the countdown, for example day time 900 seconds,
and the lightstrip is turned off when the countdown has reached 0, that’s what I think anyway.

I have tried dividing this flow into two different ones where the countdown reaches 0 → turn off the lightstrip is in its own flow and also
tried with the card to activate sink flow at the end but it has not helped.

My devices are Philips hue and I have moved the motion sensor and the lightstrip from the Philips Hue router to the Homey Pro 2023 and put them in the app “Philips Hue, without the bridge”
because I had hoped to be able to shut down the Philips Hue router.

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Hi Joar and welcome!

I don’t use the CountDown App, but I rebuild the first row of your flow with the Chronograph App:

So if motion is detected (card #1) then stop countdown. But if no countdown is running, which will be definitely the case if the ms detects the first time motion, then the flow stops.

It is a very old topic, but you can still use these flows as a basis:

Try watching this video

In the video it uses the countdown app , however I use it with the chronograph app and it works just as well. The concept is when movement is detected and it’s dark enough, switch the light on and pause the timer.then when no motion detected restart the timer and only if no motion detected and the timer ends will it switch the lights off. If however motion is detected, again before the timer ends the whole process starts again.

Thanks so much @Jim_McAtear and @DirkG

thanks for the help, I’ll have a look at that app as well and see if it starts working as I have intended.


I have completeley switched to zone activity, works really well and mucht simpler